

Night must be comming .
Whenever i get chance to enjoy the
beauty of moon and its
soft light which is not much bright
nor dim i can't to miss it.
If i were to choose between day and night i will choose the night.
Not because i have to sleep but because i
wait for to come to my window and talk to me for a moment.

you see it has never left me .Always by my side whenever i open the window.

i can remember the days when i studied on 6th standard then 10 after
that 12 th
and graduation.

today i am completing my higher study

but still the moon is there .

just after having my dinner i cant wait to come up to my room on second floor of my house where on an electric pole an owl sometimes makes a strange noise.

from past four days owl is missing.

You see what ever i do during day i disclose everything to my moon
it taks to me for a long time untill
everyone is in sleep .

but i keep talking to it untill is goes far away and its light dims.

i have a strange obsession for night
when i wake up in the morning i begin to think what should i tell the moon today

any special thing.

no not so special but sometimes i share my very personal secrets with it.

sometimes when i look continuously
towards the moon

suddenly i hear the owl making noise

as if it says the whole world is asleep .

and you are so much stupid that you are still awake.

it tries to catch rats i sometimes watch it too but the owl stops and begins to watch me back.

so .....i should go now

its evening time the night must be comming.