

His feet walk past her, but his eyes refused. Against his will, he walked a few meters but not anymore. He stopped in the shade of the tree along the side of the road. On the other side, she was talking to someone else. This was not his first time staring at her. He saw her a few times at the young writers club and a few times at the library. Among these encounters, he couldn’t forget the one that happened on one rainy night. While he was thinking about that night, those two women started walking toward him. The woman she was with was an editor in the company he was recently signed with.

They warmly greeted each other.
The editor woman introduced her as Lily and she has newly moved to this town only a week ago.

He said,” I am Zayn and I am a writer ….

The editor women intervened and added that he was quite famous for writing stories based on true events, recently he was researching the Mysterious missing that happened in the woods.
The editor woman unexpectedly got a call and it seemed to be important so she took her leave
They started to walk along the road and there was an awkward silence between them. To break the silence Zayn spoke out
"Purely innocent”, said Zayn
She gazed at him intently
“No, I mean the flower lily represent innocence…..”, said Zayn.

“About that night, I want to ..…”, said Lily.

“About that night, let us both pretend that it never happened ", said Zayn.

He dropped her near her house and started walking while walking he had a glimpse of that night
It was a quiet night except for the rain. It poured heavily on that night and Zayn was returning home after meeting a friend.
He saw a woman completely soaked in rain and beside her, a man was lying down. Zayn gazed at them and realized that the man was dead. Zayn asked her what happened, she said that she didn't even know that man and she looked like she was frightened. Zayn helped her out that night. He even helped her with police enquiry as he was the first one to witness the incident.

After that incident, she moved into the town where Zayn resides. Zayn helped her a lot by getting a membership in the library and joining the young writers club.
But not everyone was interested in her because she had a gloomy appearance and usually didn't speak to anyone except for Zayn. The mysterious nature of the woman attracted him even more.

And they had begun to meet frequently. But at every meeting, she only asked about how the research for his new book was going .

“It looks like you are only interested in my works but not me”, said Zayn.

“Because I also love to write stories based on true events like you”, said Lily .

“you really don't know about that”, said Zayn.

“About what”, said Lily.

“That's why you don't respond when the kids in the writers club called you ' dark witch’”, said Zayn .

“It may be because I always wore long black gowns”, said Lily .

“It seems like you don't know about that urban legend…Uhm…it is about a woman who is a witch. Everyone says that she will lure and kill young lads. This rumor spread like wildfire after one died in the park. After that people strongly believed that urban legend and they abandoned the park too”, said Zayn

“Do you really believe in that”, said Lily.

“Probably, cause I'm covering that story", said Zayn .

“Shall we meet tomorrow”, asked Lily.

“Sure, in the library right," Said Zayn.

“No, in that park”, asked Lily .

Zayn asked shockingly, “In that abandoned park”.

“can't we” asked Lily.

Zayn tittered and said,” Sure we can meet there”

The next day, on a calm and cool evening ,Zayn arrived at the park .Lily was already arrived and was writing something
He took his seat beside her.

“What are you writing”, asked Zayn .

“I'm writing a crime based novel and I'm plotting the next chapter”, said Lily .

Lily started noting down every detail of Zayn.
“Blue shirt and black pants….”

“Well I'm curious about one thing”, said Zayn.

“You are curious why I'm writing this, right”, said Lily.

“No, why do you want to meet here”
asked Zayn.

" Isn't it a place for perfect crime”, asked Lily.

“Yeah, Perhaps, did u made me the main character in your story", asked Zayn.

“No, you are the one who is going to die", said Lily.

Zayn giggled and said, “You killed me in your story” and added that
“I think it'll rain today ".

He never saw her this enthusiastic about writing .

“I am also curious about one thing”, said Lily.

Zayn inhaled deeply and asked what made her curious

“About that night, why did you believe me blindly? How did you conclude that I am innocent? You always believe what you should not and you do not believe what you actually should”, said Lily.

Zayn was startled by her words and before he realized it, Lily pierced his neck with her pen. He fell to the ground. She leaned forward and whispered in his ears that
“You perceived my name wrong. I am quite fascinated by the wild flower Lily of the valley because it was deadly despite its fragrance and attractive look”.

As she walked away, the rain started to drizzle.
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