

For the people, high taxes are a cancer that devours their wealth and property.The greed of those in power has no limit or moderation.Most of the tribute collected from citizens goes into their own pockets.The luxury in which politicians and the entire ruling caste live is not available to ordinary people.
For the plebs only waste remains.
I would like to note that this applies to any regime.Capitalism,socialism,secular or theocratic dictatorship has masters and farmhands.
The government invents more and more new taxes.
Absurdity chases absurdity.Despite the fact that tributes are multiplied citizen still has to pay privately to get something done effectively.
In every country the ruling caste is doing well.Even in economically backward countries or the third world the ruling elite is lavishing in luxuries.
A country in which citizens have the money to live with dignity can be called a welfare state.
It is the citizens who should have the dignity of existence and the government to serve them.
The tax office today can be compared to the biblical tax collectors.
No morals.No empathy.No sense of justice.
Today's world is a copy of Babylon.
But everything has a beginning and an end.
The fall is a logical thing
Despite such obviousness will come again.
History comes full circle.The actors change.
Exploitation always has the palm of primacy.