

crowbar jones the beginning chapter 2
10 days After Jamie’s death jones was still sad about him he said it was his fault that he died the chief
sat next to him and said jones I have been working for the government spy program and they are closing
the program this evening and one of the projects they were working on was a strength, agility and
intelligence enchancer it was a near success because they only incresed the intelligence of the test
subject but then they realised that the serum in gaseous form will do it properly but they never had the chance to do it cause the program shut down so you must come with me to their secret lab jones,
sir I would like to but what do I do with it it wasn’t destructo's fault it was mine said jones please its not your fault destructo killed your brother and you know it jones said the chief fine but you must
promise me when we get destructo he will get what he deservers chief replied I will asure you that jones, after that both of em got in the car to their secret facility then they entered the room with the machine which will make
the serum to a gaseous form and release it into a chamber the chief said to jones this might hurt a bit
but after the smoke clears you will be stronger and better now get in the chamber jones, jones got in the
chamber then the chief pushed the button smoke was coming through the ceiling of the chamber jones
screamed but after a while the chamber doors opened the smoke cleared jones got out a new man the
chief did a body scan on jones his strength,agility and intelligence increased jones hugged the chief
saying wish me luck the chief replied your like a son to me jones and thays why I am sending
someone with you jones said wait what! And then the door to the lab opened then the mysterious
guy appeared and said sorry chief traffic was a nightmare the chief said jones this is your new partner
pando you know that the first test subject I talked about thats him jones replied No I work alone I dont
need rando here stoping me down then pando replied the names pando and I also work alone the Chief
said to both remember boys with great power comes great car then pando snatched the car keys from
the chief saying im driving! Jones said to the chief fine I will let him tag along with me I guess the chief
smiled looking at the both saying your mother would be proud jones, after that both got in the car the then pando said you want some water I always stay hidrayted before going on missions jones replied only one thing can quench my thirst right now REVENGE……