

The Sea Of Ignorance

Social isolation had forced an eerie silence upon them, while fear haunted every aspect of their existence. The biggest question or at least the one that seemed to be at the forefront in everybody's mind was:

When was this going to end?

It was also in everybody's mind that the precautions and the fear and the isolation that had crept into their individual lives, mostly by government decree, had come to stay. Finally, after little more than a century of steady progress, the American Dream was coming to an end, the party was over...

Public-Education, already a failed institution in America, had been futher compromised by the spread of the virus; Suddenly, children were home most of the day and parents were obliged to leap into the breach and quickly restructure their lives to accomodate their children back into the home. In most families the pressure was on the parents to swiftly adapt to the new conditions which were soon rendered even more grave by the faltering employment figures being quoted and requoted by every news-organization in the country. All the reduced figures, most of them due to shop closures, cuts in hours, food-handling issues and a general downturn across the entire economic spectrum were, of course, blamed on the virus and that was a self-evident and rarely disputed fact: The virus always seemed to be at the root of the problem. So, lets talk a little about the virus...

The virus, I believe, actually attacked the mind, not the body, it was/is "behavioral" or "psychological" in nature, not granular. But, despite what I had come to believe, "the powers-that-be" treated it as if it were a virulent disease, it was acted upon and sold in the media as if it were a plague. The Cops, City Hall and the bottle-washer at Joe's Diner were all transformed by the vaguely contrived but nevertheless prevailing conditions; abruptly, the atmosphere around them chilled and they began to go about their days in a state of "detatched focus" and always with those gloves on, the black latex kind, the same kind Jeffery Daumer wore and Ted Bundy and, well, you know the rest.

And then, finally, there were the multitude of questions concerning the current, high-tech nature of police weaponry and the evolution of their basic button-down-collared-khaki-shirt-tucked-into-a-pair-of-khaki-pants-type-uniform, like Andy Griffith and Barney Fife used to wear, into the steel-toed-jump-boots-kevlar-and-impact-resistant-plastics-all-rendered-in-different-patterns-of-O.D.-green-and-flat-black that we see today, all over the world. And we can't forget the crazy, bug-eyed helmets with the slightly fascist side-profile and comfortably prominent chin-strap that every cop, from Duluth to Miami Beach, wears today. I don't need to say any more, it only requires that you take a casual glance out your front window the next time a cop passes down your street to see how much they've changed in such a short time.

And just how many little antennas does one S.U.V. need, anyway? Of course, each one has it's purpose, I'm told and some are, I suspect, a little "invasive" or maybe "sneaky" is the word I'm thinking of, yeah, sneaky. For example, if you farted in Arizona back in the 80's, they have an electronic record of it, instantaneously available: Seismic reports, witness affadavits, air and soil-samples...they have it all at their fingertips, my friend and so, that's one antenna down. Then, they have their usual G.P.S. system and body-mics and dash-cameras, which account for another couple of antennas, then there are one or two left which are remarkable for their ambiguity, an attribute that only makes them all the more more compelling, don't you think?

I'm inclined to believe that somewhere, midway between "facial-recognition" and "remote-sensing," lay a whole world of possibilities. In short, I think one snapshot of your license-plate number releases a flood of information just like the human-body releases endorphins and adrenaline and other yummy things into our blood-stream when we are excited or aroused or depressed or going into shock. Then, if they (the cops...) choose or if a particular situation warrants it, they can focus a miniature microwave or laser dish on your automobile and they can hear you as clear as day as you whisper these words to your girlfriend: "Cram the shit in the hole in the seat-cover! Right there, between your legs! Yeah, push it up as high as you can...yes, now sit on it, you got it? Cool. Fuckin' stupid fuckin' cops will never fuckin' find it there, under that fine ass of yours...damn, baby...I...Oh-no-oh-fuck-no-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-no. He just flipped the lights on! Fuck. We're gettin' pulled-over..."

Anyway...that's another antenna down and another delicious little squirt of "infodrine" into the electronic nervous-system of the Police
or the Sheriffs Office or the Highway Patrol or more broadly: "The Authorities."
So maybe there's one aerial left, I tremble to think about what they may have come up with over the past decade or so that could account for that last, teasing antenna...I think it's a either a "brain scrambler", which is self-explainitory or a "spectographic-analyzer", a device that can remotely detect a whole range of illegal or controlled substances and give a ball-park estimate of quantity, weight and, for all I know, resale-value. I mean, c'mon, people have to buy their shit from somebody, might as well be from someone they can trust, right?

So anyway, there you have it and believe me, I know how you must be feeling. We have been conditioned, you and I, to react in a specific way to a variety of stimuli operating on several different levels of perception: The linguistic, the symbological, the subconscious, the primative, reptilian, fuck-it-or-eat-it part of the brain and the terrified/ecstatic Ego are each among the trembling levers employed by evil men to pry us up-and-out of the seat of Reason so that we can fall and be broken upon the hard-packed, thorny, boulder-strewn ground characteristic of the Country Of Lies, Misinformation, Fake-news, Propaganda And Double-talk, a wasteland around which we will, if not killed outright, surely wander in abject confusion until, ultimately, we weaken and die anyway, victims, doomed, unable to ever construct an accurate picture of reality; unable to weigh important issues with clarity because of the pervasive lack of details and the ideological spin that is imparted to every item touched by the Media.

In the end, the average person finds his or herself adrift on a sea of ignorance: The lack or low quality of information shared with the public, coupled to the lack of any credible group of non-partisan journalists or trusted commentators possessing the skills and knowledge required by anyone whose aim is to faithfully inform and empower the masses, individuals eager to apply both critical-thinking and an instinct for discovering and illuminating the underlying socio-cultural machinery that drives all human actions and colors all human endeavors; without individuals of that calibre, we are lost as a nation of free people.

The alarming, often criminal level of apathy, greed and vice that have become the most enduring artifacts of our nations history and it's pursuit of Happiness, Justice and Liberty, no matter how halting, through it's interlocking system of checks and balances has been deconstructed and adapted to the cause of external forces: Big Banks, Big Pharma, The Military-Industrial-Complex and myriad other multinational entities have seized control of our floundering nation and set us on a path toward
slavery, fascism and destruction. The virus is only another in a long line of causes and threats all designed to weaken the peoples resolve and fill their hearts with dread.

Of course, evidence to support my theory is difficult to come by but not impossible. The most pointed question, the one that often produces the highest levels of agitation and confusion when asked under the proper conditions is this one: "How many people do you know, personally, with the virus and are they dying?"
This question lay at the center of my own doubts and if you were to ask me the question I would have to answer, after very little deliberation: "None." That's right, I don't know anyone with the virus and I don't know anyone who knows anyone with the virus. Now, I'm not trying to tell you that it doesn't exist, only that the threat it poses has been exaggerated and multiplied through the artifice and manipulations of the government and the media. So, where does that leave us, prisoners in our own homes? Pale, neurotic, socially-disengaged cyphers living our lives in fear, isolated from our fellows, wearing masks?

Probably not this time.

You have to admit, though, some of the images and ideas I presented didn't seem too far out, did they? I mean, it's become abundently clear that our government is corrupt, disloyal and, in fact, hostile in it's dealings with it's own citizens. Ever since the labor-riots and the veterans-riots of the 1920's and 1930's and the heavy-handed tactics employed by government troops sent in to deal with the disturbances, I.E., automatic weapons used against civilians, gas, rifle fusillades fired directly into crowds, armored vehicles, gas-mortars and rifle-grenades, that The U.S. Government is not above mowing-down large numbers of it's citizens and it continues to do so to this present day. In the 1940's it was revealed that, in cases where outright mowing people down might be considered inappropriate, the Government would and did imprison it's own people, as when U.S. citizens of Japanese descent were rounded-up and sent to detention-camps, families were torn apart, Constitutional Laws were completely ignored...then came the 1950's and Communism appeared on the radar in the shape of Russia, the big bear that lunges up out of a snowdrift in our imaginations, a land where the language and the ground and the people are hard and cold...

...also a country of deep lakes and undefiled wilderness; of gypsies and cossacks and warlords and vikings and valor in war...and hospitality.

Fooling us is their entire function: politicians are, without question, the most sociopathic, criminally-corrupt thugs, liars and traitors that have ever lived. Year-after-year they pad their pockets, tighten the screws and just hope that we don't notice till it's too late, that the Superbowl and Network television and Michael Jackson can keep us distracted while they do their work. And so far, it's working really well: 911, The Banking crisis, fires, storms, royal-weddings, earthquakes, school-shootings, serial-killers, DancingWith The Stars and U.F.O.'s all of these things combine to create a harsh, meaningless, background signal that renders all rational thought or sense-of-proportion, moot.
The Corona Virus will certainly become part of an ever-evolving scenario that, ultimately, will involve millions of deaths, pandemic, real or imagined, widespread incarcerations, mass-unrest and the implementation of Martial-Law, the boogeyman we all, rightfuly, fear.
Probably not this year, though, but soon...dreadfuly soon.

"In a country where the King is a liar, the truthful man keeps his mouth shut."