


It is just normal chilly night in Pearwood Village. The Harvest Moon is out, bright beautiful stars feel the night sky, and the temperature outside is oh so very low. Many people are cuddled up inside next to there dear loved one while others are outside on the streets trying to stay warm by living in a old cardboard box. The human body will do anything to stay warm. That even means walk another for hours to build up body heat.

Walking the streets down an old dusty back road lurks a handsome charging man named Phillip Troll. Loving the woods and nature, Phillip Troll just loves to walk by Pearwood Forest and spot animals from the forest. As Phillip Troll silently walks past the PEARWOOD FOREST he hears a voice coming from the forest. "Come here my young child. I do not wish to harm you."

When Phillip Troll heard that sound, he became a bet afraid. He's heart froze stiff yet something was telling Phillip Troll to follow the voice. "Hello? Where are you at," asked Phillip Troll. "Come to me my young child. Come for I hide away from humanity here in PEARWOOD FOREST," the voice said in a wippy little voice.

As Phillip Troll wondered through the dark bunched up PEARWOOD FOREST, Polly Troll spotted a young child far off in the distances. As Phillip Troll stepped a little closer, the young little child that Phillip Troll saw was huge large belly monster! "Please, do not judge me by the way I look. My mother was sleaded while giving birth to me. I had to make my way through PEARWOOD FOREST with the help of the animals of PEARWOOD FOREST," cried the hitest monster.

Phillip Troll looked at the hitest monster and said, "I do not know why some people call you monster? When I gaze at you, I see a kind, caring, loving monster. I can since your love all amoung the PEARWOOD FOREST." As tears of love came out of the female hitest monster's eyes, she ran to Phillip Troll. Just as the female hitest monster hugged Phillip Troll, a bullet hit the female hitest monster in the back.


As the female hitest monster was bleeding from her back, off in the distances a hunter y'alled, "Finally, I got the evil hitest monster! Now, the day is saved. Children can play out in the yard without having to scuzzer in fear." "You monster! You just badly injured my beloved. She never did once hurt a single person," cried Phillip Troll.

"Do not shed a tear over me young child. Pearwood did not want me in this big crawl world just like my mother," taking lite sticky breaths the female hitest monster said. As the female hitest monster started to cough, Philip Troll ran after the Midnight Hunter with fury. The one true friend that Phillip Troll had finally gained was quickly slipping away. In Phillip Troll's eyes all he could see is red.

When Phillip Troll got his hands around the Midnight Hunter's neck, the blood in his head started to turn his face Plum Purple. With lack of oxygen, the Midnight Hunter passed out. Quickly, Phillip Troll dragged the still living female hitest monster to the PEARWOOD AFTER HOURS HOSPITAL with tears in his eyes. "Come on my love. Stick with me," cried Phillip Troll. Everyone looked shocked as Phillip Troll brought the female hitest monster into PEARWOOD AFTER HOURS HOSPITAL.

As Phillip Troll checked the female hitest monster into PEARWOOD AFTER HOURS HOSPITAL, all the doctors, nurses, and payshesents blew chunks. "What in the dickinsons is that thing that you bring in here? This is a hospital, not a vet," yelled a grumpy old nurse. "You people can not see that my true love needs medical help. You people really are a bunch of human monsters," screamed Phillip Troll.

While everyone bawled there head in shame, a female doctor named Doctor Yizz said that she would be more then happy to help the female hitest monster. When the female hitest monster heared what Doctor Yizz had said, the female hitest monster was happy. "Thank you my sweet child. I feel better with my life in your hands," the female hitest monster said to Doctor Yizz. As Doctor Yizz was talking the female hitest monster back to ER, the female hitest monster blew Phillip Troll a kiss.


As Doctor Yizz rolled the female hitest monster back to ER, Doctor Yizz said to female hitest monster, "Don't you remember me, Zyuki? It is me. I am your long lost half twin sister!" When Zyuki said that, her worried face quickly turned to happens. As Doctor Yizz was wheeling Zyuki back to ER, it was to late. Zyuki was gone.

Slowly, as Phillip Troll came pasted the floor back and forth, Doctor Yizz came back to tell Phillip Troll some depressing news. "Sir, I did all could do for but it was to late. She wanted me to tell you that she loved you and don't you ever forget that," Doctor Yizz sadly said. As Doctor Yizz hugged Phillip Troll, Doctor Yizz slowly French Kissed Phillip Troll. While Phillip Troll was looking shocked and confidenced, Doctor Yizz said, "Zyuki was my half twin sister."

Feeling so much pain trapped inside, Phillip Troll had to run out of PEARWOOD AFTER HOURS HOSPITAL and cried. As Phillip Troll stood at the edge of the PEARWOOD AFTER HOURS HOSPITAL porch, a thought came to Phillip Troll's mind. Way back before Phillip Troll ever found a secret possion to turn him into a handsome man, he once had a beautiful sister named Zyuki! "That evil monster! He warned me that if I drunk that that in time some of the stuff that I hold dear will vanish. How could I be blind," Phillip Troll asked himself.

Quickly, Phillip Troll ran inside to ask Doctor Yizz a favor. "Doctor Yizz, can you give Zyuki my heart? I want her to get out and really live her life. I have already lived my life up," said Phillip Troll. With a tear in Doctor Yizz's left eye she quietly said, "Yes, I can."

As Doctor Yizz took the heart out of Phillip Troll and put into Zyuki, Doctor Yizz started to cry. It somes that Zyuki's heart had been stabbed by the Midnight Hunter. Phillip Troll knew it was going to back long shot, but he wanted to save Zyuki. As Doctor Yizz sewed Zyuki up with Phillip Troll's heart inside her, Zyuki turned back to human and awoke. When Zyuki sat up and hugged Doctor Yizz, they both cried looking at Phillip Troll. THE END