

Coffee an Crime to Go Please
All can never be justified
In this tale of twist and turns
who is really bad and who is
really good.
There was this man who says daily I
love you. But the woman loves him to
but after years of loving him. she wants that total set up. But no he does not want to love her in the same way
or he thinks that he will lose. So the to go on in life not getting what they want but standing the test of time.
Then out of no where the people
worry an say ah what can we do to
her I dislike her. So I say what do you not like. well my women or daughter would be better for him. First let's explore that for a second. I have two questions for you first would you let your woman have another man if it was this guy.
And second why do you want your daughter in that. She can find her own
love right.
So he answers I knew this guy for along time and he is really great
See let's explore that what makes him so great.
Well he is, I never thought about it before maybe he is not so great. But
he seems right enough for her.
So we do coffee and the two of us
kiss so does your family know about
me what no then it would not be a
secret. We laugh then a gun man comes in the coffee shop and shots
the ceiling and a light bulb pops out
the socket. An everybody takes cover
Then a voice says hey threw a robbers
mask what is this and what are you two doing together. What I say I know
the voice but your who, so he takes
Off the mask you two what I am going to tell. then a guy across the room
says hey buddy
Are you going get this over with or what
Then a police man walks in the door
Shoots the robbers
Now the people's say oh that
was close no more coffee for me
In coffee shops cause
it's just not safe no more
Then they each go to different uber's
or was it other loves who knows.
So who's bad an who's good.