

past present future.
You remind me of a penny two faced and not worth much. We all have a past, but you use yours like a crutch, I don't care about your stupid opinions when you've become some mindless minion. Nothing on the mind except for sins, the voices are laughing so loud, you can see their grins.

It has been said that temporary people give permanent lessons that only after we learn will the pain lesson. My inner demons have a similar affect, they may have valid reasons but I rather disconnect. Untill then, your existence is deemed a lie because in my dreams you always die. You are forever my foe, where all the dead fish go with the flow.

It makes me sick seeing that poor attitude, keeping grounded is what I need, a dose of gratitude. Be like the trees, have you seen the fcking roots on those things?

Caught up in a race for time, letting life pass me by, definitely a crime. I repeat what I don't repair, a continuous loop of despair. All in order to avoid that past hurt and fear which only leaks out onto those near and dear.

I cant escape change, It's a bit of a stalker and may feel strange. With that said, can you see it deep in my eyes? There is nothing but bright blue skies. A shift and the way things are seen, let's the mind realign through these mirrors of mine. Even if my face hits the asphalt, I will remain optimistic to a fault. As captivating as it may sound, the loudness in my head is better off drowned.

I see it everywhere how "cool" it is to play crazy, like living life disturbed is a field of dasies. No worries, it's not my place. My focus is on my day to day, Fate always pops up recalculating the route, It won't let me stray.

We all get dealt a hand in this thing called life and it's not a requirement to fill it full of strife. Positive thinking can outweigh the negative kind, so the brain isn't left in the dark and confined. Energy at times will run rampant, fortunately we can work steps towards better alignment.

There may not be a cure, but we no longer have to endure, those feelings of being alone, your whole existence unknown. The illusion can be shattered in time living for more than life on the grime. Strong and obsessive, yet never satisfied. Compulsive behavior, problems arise.

A poison we conjure known as fear is amplified. The soul can invoke the antidote, courage, which is advised. The universe may have our fate, but we define our destiny, so don't take the bait. Temptation will always have a wrath, will you take a risk and go down the least traveled path? Every day we'll have a choice, will you follow or have your own voice?


#disease #addiction #addicted #pain #suffering #struggle #recovery #clean #hope #faith