

I'm back (sorry)
I took a quick break from the whole writing thing so I can understand the reality I was facing. don't get me wrong metaphorically speaking the demons in my head has more stories to tell. and what I voiced in some of my works I am a ok. so yeah more quotes and stories of a lost soul will continue to the people who followed this crap I'm sorry for the long break. so stories have to be 150 words long? ok then.And the lord's servant was sent onto me in the dead of night, knowing full well my mind would break at the sight of it, I stared at the angel with eyes full of grief and hate. Why must you fight? It said, why struggle in a world fueled with hate and sin? Why not torn to the warm light of god? With all my strength I spat at the creature that thinks it self sanctified. So I screamed the world as it is, is my home. Through our all you devote you come to me in the dead of night! ? To hell with you, my sins will guide me through the darkness unto a better day. Listen well messenger of heaven. I am the one who devourers sin, and I'll be the one who redeems humanity. The angles shocked at the words I said soon left, so now I'm on the ground, with rage in my heart and an unflinching resolve, I'll tear my way through the heavens and kill the false idol humanity has created.

Tales of a lost soul.