

she went downstairs and saw her mom laid on the floor.but she turn her head and see her mother was standing behind her .she confused whose her real mom. then she close her eyes and told herself 'I can identify whose my mom' I'll do it ,I'll do it.open her eyes went her laid mom and check her mother foot .suddenly laid mom open her eyes and scream. piya don't know why she scream .then she turn her head and saw a another mom figure called her 'come her piya she is not your real mom' I think she is some negative energy. and other side another mom figure told 'I am you real mom she is not your mom she is lied, don't believe her. come mom will protect you .piya stand center of two figure mom.mom.she don't know what to do. then she close her eye concentrate both sentence piya mother always protect piya. once piya had attacked negative energy in that time piyamom stop negative energy .but piya don't know how to mom do that.after the incident never happened bad incident but Now....... (back to the reality) piya went to kitchen to mom figure followed piya.then piya hold a knife in her hand.hand.both of mom figure told piya 'don't do this'
then piya cut her palm blood leak uncontrollably. one mom figure went to piya and slap her. another mom figure is invisible then she look down another mom figure was turned a ugly face women and her dress was full of blood stain ,her eyecatchingpinch,lipsmacking with her .piya sream and her mother also scream .then the ugly women monster lick piya blood and laugh.piya and her mom not move away .both were in shock.then piya mom fainted and fell the ground.then she saw a group of monster standing behind the door.
group of monster open the door and piya . .. . ........
continued to next chapter..
(I hope all of you read first part )
🤗thank you for appreciating..and [please support me]🧚‍♀️🤩.
© you are born to be real .not to be perfect👸👍