

A fly'll learn ya!
There once was a fly. A very hungry
fly, buzzing around outside looking for something to eat. After a while his hungry belly growls were answered as the biggest horse on the property just expelled a humongous pile of crap! The fly hurried over to itand landed right on it. it was so fresh and soft, like new baked bread.He began eating on the pile. He ate and ate for hours, then when the sun began to set he had to get home, but there was a problem. He couldn't fly!!! he tried and tried to fly away but he was so full of crap he wasn't getting anywhere.
He sat there looking around, thinking about how he would take flight and get out of there before dark, and then it came to him!
He painfully waddled over to a pitchfork he saw stuck in the ground thinking if he climbed all the way up to the top of that pitchfork, and jumped, he'd be able to get enough wind under his wings amd fly away.
And so he went... up, up, up, all the way to the top. It took forever to get up there but he did it. But then it came, a loud thunderous and very wet fart! Now he was standing in his own slippery mess and he lost his footing causing him to take the leap before he was ready!
he opened his wings as wide as he could and flapped them hard, trying to catch air.... but it just wasn't meant to be. The fly spiraled all the way down to the ground to his death.


The moral of this story is...
"Never fly off the handle when. you're full of crap!"