

A Heaven's Miracle: Mother's Love
"A mother's love is undying and priceless."
~ Zoë

Her name is Samantha or "Sammy" She was diagnosed with leukemia at birth, and she had a mother who was supportive of her.

"How are you feeling, Sammy?" Carol, her mom asks as she kisses her forehead.

"I'm fine mom, just got home from my chemotherapy," Samantha answered her mom, as she hugged her.

"Goodnight, Sammy, sleep tight," Carol said to her daughter, as she tucked into her bed.

"Goodnight, Mommy, you too," Samantha answered her mom, as she closed her eyes.

The two decided to go to the park, and the weather was good for them.

"Samantha, can you promise mommy something?" Carol asks Samantha.

"Yes, Mommy, what is it? Samantha answered her mom.

"Take care of yourself when I'm gone," Carol said to her daughter.

"Mom, stop joking!" Samantha walked out of that place, sulking at her mom.

The next day, Samantha got a high fever, it was a complication of her illness and her mom rushed her to the nearest hospital.

"Doc, how is my daughter?" Carol asks the doctor.

"Ma'am, to be frank with you, she's getting worse already." The doctor frankly said to Carol.

In the room where Samantha stays...

"How are you?" Carol asks her daughter.

"Mom, is it getting worse?" Samantha asks her mom with tears in her eyes.

"Oh, my daughter." The two cried harder and harder.

In life, you must expect the unexpected, the nightmare of Samantha happens.

To Be Continued...


© Fairy Zoë 🧚‍♀️