

Part 3
Chapter 14

Honestly, a lot of things are starting to feel strange to me now. Night had fallen and we were approaching a small island. I had not yet been briefed about where we were going, why we were going there or why they needed Mei. Questions kept piling up in my mind as I stood on the railing with Mei. This girl is still a mystery to me. I've had multiple girls say they love me but each of them had an agenda, it seems Mei doesn't, or am I wrong?
'Mr Kamui. Ten minutes until we arrive,' one of the guards from the back told me as he bowed and left. The island was coming into view as the night ocean fog cleared. {This damn island wasn't so big just moments ago. This is strange.}
'Magnificent isn't it?' Kuroi asked as he came from behind, 'This island is protected by nausea gas that looks like a fog. Anyone trying to approach will be shown nothing but illusions. That's why it seemed as though it was still far and the fog started becoming dense. Only people who have been injected with Caution, our special serum can enter the island without a problem but it seems you two are different.' He said as he pointed at Mei and I. A few minutes later we halted and got off the ship. In front was a huge island with children and adults in grey clothing, training as if in the military. Huge skyrise buildings and facilities were everywhere, it was as if I was in a different world. It was day. We walked toward this different looking Yutopia, passed by several buildings each with password required doors, made our way towards an elevator that dropped us forty five floors below the building. Went through a series of security checks and three triple reinforced steel doors that opened like portals. Finally we reached a hundred and fifty square meter room with computer monitors everywhere, six hundred workers each on different platforms situated on higher grounds of the hall with their monitors. It looked as if it were a parliament, and one chair stood in the middle. 'WELCOME BACK KURO KAMUI – SAMA!' They all said in unison as they stood and bowed like a bunch of school kids greeting the homeroom teacher.
'At ease,' Kuro said raising his hand and the entire hall had the sounds of chairs as the workers sat down.
'So you rule your own kingdom?' I asked as we headed down the stairs towards a chair in the middle of the hall.
'Not at all. Lady Kamui rules this place, I'm just her second in command.' Somehow Kuro's voice sounded angry as he said those words. He took a seat on the royal looking chair with red comfortable Egyptian cotton fabric and a gold frame. As he sat the platform raised going high enough to be in view of the massive screen that displayed a map of the world and information around it. Two ladies came from behind us, gave us the same chairs  with a smaller size, left food, took our jackets and gave Kuro a laptop then bowed and left.
'Give me a status report of Lady Kamui's position!' Kuro gave out orders as he punched  a few letters on his laptop. Mei and I sat in confusement as we gazed at the huge screen and the silent chaos around the hall. Mei shifted her chair from Kuro's right to my left.
'What the hell are you doing?' I asked blankly
'I'm in a strange place, with people I don't know. Don't you think it's logical for me to want to be near the person I feel safe around the most?' Her point made me keep quite and face the massive screen. 'Black, why exactly are we here?'
'I thought you wouldn't ask,' he typed a few words on his laptop and pictures appeared on the screen, 'this is why.'

Chapter 15

On the monitor eight pictures appeared. Seven pictures of missiles and a man.
'Those bombs are the world's most dangerous bombs. Biological Atomic Missiles nicknamed "Doomsday". These bombs are—'
'Lord Eichiro's creation.' I interrupted as I stood up and looked at them. 'I think I know why you want me now.'

When I was three years old I had a grandfather, his name was Lord Misaki Eichiro. I am his only granddaughter and his only remaining heir. My parents had died in a supposed accident when I was one years old. My grandfather took me in and took care of me. In the course of the six years i lived with him, he had told me many things. I did not understand what he was telling me but soon after his assassination I understood. He had a left a note on his laptop with the password. I opened the laptop and a program automatically ran. It directed me to a word processor. A note was written there, it read;

                Dear Mei. By the time you read
                this, my fate would have been sealed.
                I would like to start by apologizing
                for what I am about to put you
                through. The world lies in your blood,
                quite frankly, in your genes as the last
                Misaki left. I can't include all the
                information here but just know that
                dangerous men will be after you
                Try to live your life without anyone
                knowing. Your new identity is under
                your bed. Miss Kamui will take care of
                you. I'm sorry and I love you. Goodbye.

After I read the letter, I understood in an instant what he had been telling me all this time. Miss Kamui came an hour later to fetch me. She put me in the care of some couple working under her to protect me. Ever since then I've been calling them my parents whilst knowing they were not. I decided to keep my identity as Misaki Mei in order to honour my family. That is the way I wanted to live.

'So you want my genes in order to obtain control over them so that man does not use them?'
'It seems you have the gist of the situation but you're wrong. We want to keep you here so that man does not take you and use your genes to activate them.'
'Hold on you mean to say that Hajime Chizuro has the bombs?' Shiro said as he stood up pointing at the man's picture.
'You know him?' Kuro asked in confusement
'Yeah I do. Aunty briefed me about him and how dangerous he is. I've seen his works for the Academy of Killing Arts. I've met him once in a kill but we never spoke. If he has "Doomsday" Mei is in danger and we're fucked,' his faced turned stern. I blushed as he mentioned my name in concern. Could he be developing feelings for me?
'No need to worry. Though Lady Kamui is missing we can protect her. You can deal with taking care of her and I will deal with taking care of finding Miss Kamui. After all, we here at the AOS are "the guardians of the guards",' Kuro shot a glance at me then back at Shiro. Shiro took my hand and turned to leave.
'We need a boat. We're going to school tomorrow so we don't want to sleep late.'
'The ship is waiting for the two of you. Oh and Shiro,' he tossed a USB flash drive at Shiro, 'I need them dead. They are in cahoots with Hajime Chizuro.' Shiro kept quite as the platform lowered to the to the ground, stepped off and said to me "let's go" in a voice that sounded angry yet excited. When I saw his face there was an evil grin as we made our way back to the ship. What is this feeling?

Chapter 16

*Ring* 'Hello!'
'You're loud Mr Hajime,'
'Oh sorry about that it's just that I'm soooo excited. How are the things we discussed coming along?' The man over the phone remained silent.
'I'll take that silence as a "it's going well",' Chizuro chuckled.
'Misaki Mei is in your vicinity now. Don't mess up,' the man over the phone said sternly.
'Don't worry,'
'Listen here you crazy bastard! If you mess up there will be—' the voice was cut.
'I told you not to worry,' Chizuro's voice turned stern and serious, 'I hate being taken lightly. I know my job and I do it very well, now stop bothering me and leave the rest to me. Now tell me what I'll be dealing with.'
'A boy named Kamui Shiro. I suppose you know him?'
'Woah really?' His voice changed back to childish and crazy, 'then this should be fun!' He chuckled and looked at Candice as he dropped the call.
'Did you hear that Candice–chan? I'll be killing your boy.'
'Good luck,' she chuckled, 'you'll need it.'
Chizuro licked her face, then left the cabin.
As he left, Candice was still guarded by the nine men from before. 'Man I really wish I could get a piece of her,'
'Hey! Don't do anything stupid. The boss said to watch and not do anything otherwise we'll be in trouble,' one of the men warned.
'Alright, alright. But soon I'll have you all to myself,' he said as he grabbed her left boob and moved away from her.
She, on the other hand was coming lose.

Chapter 17

We had left the super secret island that was kept a secret from me all this time. My mind was swarming with evil thoughts as Mei and I reached the shore. The ship took off and faded into the night sea. The moons brighteness illuminated the harbour as I held Mei's hand.
'I have to get you home,' I said as I stared at her blankly. She kept quite and looked down. I held on tighter to her right hand and began walking towards the residential area of Tokyo. As we turned into the street where her house was, in the distance a black car was parked outside of her house. My body began to tingle as if indicating that I'm about to fight. We got closer then heard a sudden scream. Mei stopped moving in horror. In an instant she let go of my hand and dashed towards the door, without hesitation I followed. What she then saw was grotesque. Her father's head was at the door covered in blood and his body was separated from it, lying in the dark corridor. Mei walked in, moving towards the dining area door, I kept following. When she opened the door a knife flew at her in incredible speed, instantaneously I jumped in with my pocket dagger knife to deflect it.
'Hey who the fuck are you?!' One of the men ordered as he moved away from Mei's mother.
I stayed quiet observing the situation. Four men stood in front of me with top stealth assassination gear. Katana, kunai, shuriken, silenced pistols, jerseys with mouth covering masks and armor. They looked like modern ninjas.
'You must be Hofuru No Yoru, Slaughters of the night.' I said as I moved in front of Mei to protect her from harm.
'Oh yeah!? And who the fuck are you?' one of the men moved from the body and zipped up his pants. Mei's mother was slaughtered then raped, these people have no respect for the dead.
'I am your death.' As I said those words I threw my knife into one of the men's eye and pushed Mei back as I rushed towards the man on the right. Trying to pull out his silenced pistol I stopped his hand from reaching it and shielded myself with his body to avoid the bullets that were coming to me. I pulled it out and shot his eyes. Their weakspot is their eyes, they can cover everything but they had to see so I had to aim well. Bullets were breaking everything around as they tried to hit me. I threw the dead body toward the men on the left of me, his dodging left him open and I shot his eyes. Rolling over, I picked up his blade and deflected the bullets from the two remaining men. I threw the blade at the men who was near Mei's mothers body and successfully pierced his eyes. Last man standing and his bullets were out. He launched at me with his sword, in the midst of dodging I sustained a cut to my shoulder. I rolled over to the dead body of one of the men and picked up a sword. The sounds of our swords clashing echoed in the dining room, he attacked straight forward, I twisted, avoiding the attack then grabbed him from behind and pulled his head down making him crash to the ground.
'Please, please don't kill me. We were sent here!'
'By who?'
'Hajime Chizuro!'
'Good to know! Now I want you to scream and beg for forgiveness as I slowly push this sword through your head.'
The scream sent tingles around my body and made me feel excited as I tortured him to his death. The place was filled with blood and Mei lay paralyzed at the door as she had watched me kill all those men without hesitation. I picked up all the weapons I had touched and wiped off my fingerprints, walked to Mei, picked her up, went to the car and drove off to my apartment.