

Eyes that cries...
So, I've been thinking about a person, a lot. I've mentioned her quite few times in my journal. Infact, the whole story is first captured in my journal and then i thought, i should share this with everyone. Well, she's my neighbor living upstairs. While going out for my work, returning back to my room, i see her everyday and iam going to tell you about her.
Like i said, i see her everyday, the first thing i see in her is some strange helplessness in her eyes, in those beautiful twinkling eyes. The sadness can be read only through her eyes though. I dont know what they call her. I dont know her name. But i secretly call her becky when no one's around! And the way we interact from a distance, i sense her liking towards me, that cheerful enthusiasm, for me. She's beautiful, quite fair, a mature person, and because of her maturity, she's chained.
Yeah. She's a she-dog, a wonderful neighborhood canine, or in the more offensive sense one can say a "bitch".
I have never seen Becky unchained. Perhaps the idea behind this chaining is her ability to produce wonderful puppies if she indulges in copulation with several he-dogs! It is what i think but iam still not quite sure the reason behind chaining her down! She is forbidden to do what a "dog" would like to do. She can't sniff around, can't wag her fluffy fair tail, and she can't go after good looking handsome libido filled he-dogs! Well, being chained, all she could do is bark, a natural instinct of any dog. And for that one thing, she's whipped by her master, an atrocious act, which i hear when iam simply resting or doing some work in my room. The whipping sound that comes from that piece of cane is definitely painful to hear. And she goes silent after that. I have given a thought to talk to the whipman about this gruesome act but he gave an angry stare at me which said clearly it's none of anyone's business. I would wonder, how strong she should have become, to endure such an enormous pain, without even uttering something.
Well on the other hand, the whipman has a he-dog who freely sniffs around and is allowed to go after several she-dogs.
I wish the whipman could understand her and take her to a vet for surgical procedure, so that she couldn't conceive anymore. Then she too, can sniff around, unleashing her desires like a free spirit. Unchained and Untamed. I wish to see becky in that way.
© kamiKaze mind