

Doraemon mystery solved!
Why do we often look for someone to blame when there is a problem? Tell us in story writing what you think about it.
often you think that In the cartoon of Doraemon, is the gadgets can be in real, can Nobita exists? can Doraemon be made? can 4d be invented in future?
a Does Nobita exists
its not quite certain is the boy characterized by the characters seen in the story but in real world may be he has any relationship with Fujiko F Fujio who wrote his story, but its not the must that his name must be Nobita, may be with the dream of inventing Doraemon in 22nd century starting from 2101, he is living in a colony of Japan. As for a human Fujiko F Fujio its not possible to write such a counted story without proper documents and based on imagination. may be this time Nobita is thinking in his unconscious mind to invent Doraemon and like the way AI is going! its possible to such extreme conditions Doraemon is invented in future...for the writer living in 20th century not possible to count the data and predict what will happen in future and according to his writings, future is going!
b can 4d be invented?
yes! it is horrible to think a elephant is hidden in a thumb sized pocket but today we successfully reached 3d things and its quite possible for the powerful scientists to win in future.
c) Doraemon gadget in real?
no right now no Doraemon gadgets are in real but as monkey is our precomers of human like this 21st century gadgets like smart phone, smart tv and all technologies are the beginning which will be modified in Doraemon gadgets in 22nd century when i and you will be old!
1 Take copter and all Doraemon gadgets that will take a human to sky
we had invented human helicopters, private planes which is just needed to make small and made as capable as to carry a weight of human which is a small approach for the huge time INTERVAL between 21st and 22nd
2 Anywhere door
though we have no technology to take anyone anywhere through a door but our 360 technology Google maps and photos and videos with 3d glasses give us such feelings...am i right? tell in comment
3 Time machine
in real life it is not possible till now but as to change the future we have the capability to control our present. our physiological doctors who hypnotised us to remember our past and feel is to be returned to our past. those Computers which predict our future just to give date of birth
4 translation jelly
out Google translation technology
5 encyclopedia
today we have Google and wikipedia
6 Computer pencil
though it will not work in offline exam but Google and chat gpt will give us first answer 99.9% in online exam which is normally a cheating!😃
6 anything bag
this bag is a bag where we can get anything just to put hand inside the bag
its successful! just to spend money and get anything anytime though amazon, big market, flipcart etc.
7 smart phone
this is 21st century gadget that is the best and useful that overthrown the telephone use in Doraemon cartoon...we change this prediction of the writer as he thought it to be invented in 22nd century!
8 3d tv
smart tv, cinema hall tv
9 air gun
pistols, mpg rifles arw better than this toy
10 doctor first aid
we have Google to know about the disease and online marketing to order the medicine as soon as possible

so Friends there are many more gadgets of Doraemon, 21st century is Monkey world soon it would grow into human! plz like and follow of you like it and possibly human had successfully made 22nd buildings and flying cars!!! possibly...as the AI ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS GOING AND GROWING.