

HER STORY -part 3

I went to my room and shut the door hardly.
" Dear , please shut the door slowly...." My dad said.
I went to the washroom to brush my teeth sso that I could go back to sleep as soon as possible.

The college campus was so good as it was the best place for me to have some peace. When compared to my home there was not my mother to torture me always by forcing to maary someone.
" Hellooo...." It was Jaya. She ran to me and say near me. She was trying to catch her breath .She put her hand on my shoulder. Jaya wwas one of the best thing I have ever got.She was always there to console me. She wwould help me to get over my mom aand that's the best help that I ever needed from anyone.
" Let's go to the canteen.II am so hungry. And I wanted to go for shopping too.My cousins wedding is coming. Can you accompany me ?" Jaya said and she started to stoo herself from speaking so fastly.
"Okay , now let's go to the canteen I am also famished. Haven't eaten today's breakfast. By the way, I am going to Banglore after our exams next week...I just miss my family a lot Can't wait to meet them all ".
"Oh !!that seems to be nice. And I have to meet Rakesh today. He will be there aat the park today. So come fast. "

We ordered a masala dosa and tea.We always orderd the samosa bhajji. But today we were so hungry and neede to have something very heavily. After the food we went to the town for shopping.We spend almost one hour in finding the best wedding constumes. Jaya was an expert in finding the best and trending collections when compared to me.We aalso went to the fancy store to find some matching jewellery for the her wedding dress.

I reached my home at 6:00 clock. Dad had reached home so early aand mom was busy in making something to eat for him.Dad noticed my arrival and he called me to sit near him.I went and sat on his lap.I always did it on my childhood days. Eventhough I have grown so much , I haven't stopped myself from doing such crazy things.
Dad started to speak. " Pooja beta, I have took tickets for the train. If you have something to buy, purchase them soon "
" Okay dad, but I don't have nothing to purchase.And today I have went for shopping with Jaya. I am not interested for another one.Let' s go tommowrow itself because I can't stop myself from meeting them ".I said so happily.

Will be continued......

© hibaz_writings