

Trust Me
a mere 5 letter word that might have lost it's meaning in the 21st century but how does it feel to be trusted?
Trust comes in different forms,Trust is letting someone touch your body,trust is letting someone see your insecurities,trust is when your friend let's you ride your bike or when a stranger lends you a hand on hike.Trust is when that self sufficient girl lets you open the door for her and i think that the only reason i believe this world is worth living is because of the trust the people have put in me.like that one time when my cell was about to die in a rainy day and i said my friend to wait I'll be there and he waited in that pouring rain for an hour and half because i said so. So it doesn't really matter you love me or hate me but when i say trust me,trust me because i know I'm trustworthy because i witnessed my friend waiting for me ,a girl letting me open the door, my friend letting me ride his bike, a girl letting me touch her body,someone letting me see their insecurity .so for the last time I'll say again.TRUST ME
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