

Adventures Of The Great Treasure Book
James Hawkins stood in cabin he son young tj look dad tell me story sure son hmm where to begin oh I have one have you ever heard story of Jim hawken no tell me well then it just after that young James found flint trove but it was only have of the treasure that he and Docter and the squire were able take to back to port royal but little did they know for pirate flint he was no ordnary one from out of the blue stood cursed ship of the seas flown skull and crossbones with him was man in scarlet coat for he was man with ironhand as soon we came about our ship was capture by band scallywags they who capture us took to new island for this island neighbor to one we found they called neverland the captain was cunning but something stir in him he look back to island once was his home for he could not go upon land for his curse bound to sea one look from one the devil he is and they be right for all the souls across the blue captain james they called was the worst of all cutthroats for his band briggans raided pillage sack more ships but somewhere did captain had stir in his eyes as he known this man as if saw ghost from his past the captain of the ship smiled young alexander shipmate been to long the ironhand said captain you know him aye Jim that I do for none was greater sea captain then of James flint for though he body is at laid his spirit indured for it was not burried at sea nor land for it was custom of sailor to burried their bones to sea but the crew took body left it where he died they forgotten to buried him on land thus island took him and his body captain ironhand look at the place for years I have was none fireces those who cross my waters yet I be very goblin that every good sailorman fear my ship walrus sack many ships at sea but none I figure would found my grave one that I regretted I should have never left behind for I recall whench by name of hawkins it was she I took to wedding long before I became pirate she had childed whoose name was of that of my own james as he look to the lad who of his own blood by thunder for this jim release who captain this old hob be his own father the dreaded pirate of seven seas captain james flint.
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