

So called friend
#HappyFriendshipDay #WritcoStoryPrompt54
Your best friend in the world calls you and tells you a secret that changes your friendship forever. Write a story in the conversation and the aftermath.
My friend calls me today, and never before heard her voice so distance so cold I can honestly, I must say it sounded more like fear. I realize there was something unpleasant she wanted to say. My heart dropped, I felt my blood running through my veins. I m not gonna lie never expected what she was telling me in the other end of the phone.
When I heard the news that she has been stealing money from me, from my bank account. I was so devastated but unfortunately had to admit It could' ve been worst.
I now realized we need to be careful who we choose as friends.
But things happen for a reason, I decided to move on forgive and forget.
© Carol Idali Madera Colon