

The Warrior- The bloodbath.
Agala froze for a moment as the enemy warriors charged at his troops. The attackers weren't organised and the charge looked like a last ditch desperate attempt. But they had the numbers to overwhelm his troops. His men barely had time to get into formation before the attackers reached them and both sides clashed. It was brief and bloody.
'Hold your ground!', Agala yelled as he slashed through the neck of an enemy and blocked a spear lunge with his shield. His right arm was bleeding, having been gored with the blade of a spear. Men continued to fall on both sides and neither side seemed to have the advantage. The men Agala had left behind with the giant catapults stayed where they were, confused. They were undecided as to whether to rush forward and join the fighting or stay back. This was an unforseen situation and their last orders had been to stay with the catapults.

Agala barely had time to think as he mowed down enemy after enemy. His battle instincts however told him that his men were being cut down too. They had not had the time to form their invincible phalanx. If the fighting continued, the enemy would take the day by strength of numbers.
'Fall back!', he ordered as he felt the impact of an enemy's shield against his shield. He staggered and almost fell, but he regained his composure just in time to counter his assailant's attack and strike him down. Then he turned and fled with his men towards the catapults. The enemy warriors pursued them with shouts of glee, just as he had expected. Agala smiled a dark brief smile as he sprinted, he hoped his archers were ready.

His archers fired at the charging enemy as Agala and his men reached the catapults and joined the troops there. Cries of pain and death rent the air as Massada warriors went down. What were they thinking, running into his archers like that?, thought Agala.
'Into formation!', he ordered and his troops quickly formed their dreaded phalanx. 'Charge!', he yelled, and his men charged at the enemy , who foolishly stood their ground for a moment, and began to flee back towards the gates as more of them were cut down.

Agala smiled, victory was his again.

© Famezone