

Tales of Destiny: The Library
"We may not always know, but some things in our Lives were simply meant to be. If you could go back in Time, it matters not. What had occurred, in those instances, will always happen. Eventually."


A #WRITCO Compilation




In every Life we Encounter those Things Unbelievable others call Miracles: A Blind Man Driving a Dying Child to a Hospital, A Deaf Woman Speaking to a Rousing Crowd, A Paraplegic Running a Marathon. We don't always Understand, but accept what we see with our Eyes. You and I, let us take a Moment to Experience some of these Fantastical Memories. Face to Face, Place to Place, let us Open a Book in the Grand Library of Human History.




I was Walking Home one Night, admittedly Foggy and scant few around. It looked like Rain, but the Droplets simply would not Touch down. My Hands and Feet stayed hidden from me as I Journeyed, and my Knees started to Buckle.

I Fear the Dark, a Phobia. And the Strange Mist only Heightened my Anxiety. As I rounded the next Corner, from a Quick Glance I noticed a Shadowy Figure afar off Behind me. It wasn't Walking, even Moving. It Stood there just Looking at me, with an Icy Cold 🥶 Stare.

I Shivered, and Paused a Moment.

Then I Turned back to Sneak a Peek.

It was Gone!

As I got up to my Door🚪 I still Shook, now more Anxious 😰 than Ever. I just could not get over this Shadow: it Haunted my very Being! I reached into my Purse 👛 to get my Keys 🗝️ and Fumble my Bag 🛍️, falling to the Ground.

When I came back up, his arms were already around my Throat, Hands over my Mouth 👄.

"You say one F*ckin word and I will bleed you like a stuck pig!"

My Blood Froze!

I could not Move, let alone Scream. He turned me around and Buried his Tongue 👅 down my Throat; never moving the Blade from my Stomach and Chest. I wanted to Hurl; but I knew if I did, I was Dead for sure!

Probably would be anyway.

Then his Hands moved under my Blouse, and his Fingers grazed my Nipple. I Whimpered a Scream Lip-Locked with his Cold Embrace, but he took it as Enjoyment.

I started Sobbing and Lost Control of my Bladder. Wet down there, he Looked and Smiled.

"You're Ready!"

I Honestly did not Know what to do. I thought about Kneeing him in the Groin and Opening the Door; then, he Pulled out a Pistol.

"Now I am going to Pull out my C**k! If you Mutter ONE word, it will be your Last, Got it!?"

I did not want this. I Cried Softly, wiping my Tears as he Unzipped himself before me, revealing himself. He then put his Two Fingers 🤌 to his Lips and Slowly Pushed me to the Ground Positioning my Head Toward his Manhood.

Shaking, I kept my Mouth 👄 Sealed 🤐 Shut!


He said as the Gun Barrel Rested on Top of my Head.

Then he let me go.

I Heard a very Quick Gurgling Sound, and Looked up.

It was that Selfsame Shadowy Figure.

It was much Closer now, slightly shorter than the Man, with a Felt Hat and Long Crooked Nose. The Assailant Fired Off all Six Rounds, and the Figure Still approached him. It took the Blade and Gun from his Hands, and like Magic, sliced into each of his Major Organs ... One by One.

Then, without so much as One Word, Turned and Walked Back into the Fog.

Almost Immediately, it Lifted. Only me and the Assailant were Left.

But the Strange thing is, besides the Shadow, was that the Man's entire Body Looked Cadaverous. Completely Dessicated and Bone Dry.

He had only just been Killed!

When I Awoke the Next Morning, the Body was Gone.

Only a Faint Trace of Something, Someone, having been there.

And my Panties were Dry; not even Damp!

I Passed it off as THE Worst Nightmare of my Life, until I received an Eerie Phone Call.

"Be Careful where you Walk Alone at Night ... from Now on."

It Hung up.


It is Funny, isn't it? How we choose to accept what our Minds says "It has to be this, because THAT could not Happen.

Did this Woman REALLY see a Shadow?

Was she Assaulted?

Was it all just, in Fact as she Thought, a Nightmare?

But what of the Phone 📱 Call?

Was that Part of an Elaborate Panic Attack?

Unfortunately, the Tale Ends there, with a Mystery. But I'll Leave you on that Note to Decide for yourself; this Amazing Tale of Destiny.

Come Back Again Next Time for Another Round.

A Boy takes a Long Journey Home, on a Train 🚂 to No Where.

... ... ... Or does He!?

Till Next Time



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© I Am MichAel