

The oath is between God and man.
Yaqub was a devoted Muslim man who had a beautiful wife, Hawa. Yaqub and Hawa had a strong love for each other and they enjoyed their life together.

One day, Hawa started to become distant and she started to hang out with a new group of friends. These friends began to lead her astray and fill her head with wrong ideas about life. They taught her that money was the only thing that mattered in life and convinced her to put money over God.

Yaqub saw what was happening and tried to talk to Hawa about it but she would not listen, instead she kept going out with her bad friends more and more often. Yaqub knew he had to make a decision; keep his wife who was slowly going against Allah or turn away from his wife and stay true to his faith in God? He chose the latter, which hurt him deeply but he knew it was the right thing to do.

Hawa soon started to realize that her friends where just jealous of her marriage and their evil plan was to destroy it. But now their marriage was Nika Al Misyar(Distance marriage) as Hawa decided to move with her parents instead of obeying her husband and it was up to her to fix what her frenemies destroyed.

Yaqub seek solutions from the Holy Quran and receive few verses that explained what he was going through, one was "Your wife is not your enemy, your enemy is shaytan" the second one was "Love someone for the sake of God and God will make your love better or leave someone for the sake of God and God will give you someone better". And he realize that chosing Allah over his wife like Prophet Lot(Pbuh) was never a mistake but a way of Allah to make him a Mu'min(faithful believer).

Indeed the oath is not between husband and wife but God and man.