

I am convinced that God has favourite children. Some people just had it easy all their lives. They don't know the words "struggle, suffer" neither knows that chapter of having to desire something knowing pretty well you are not going to get it, let along the smell of being misfortune over everything. Going around in circles with no connection neither a mere breakthrough, while they just get anything on a silver platter. I mean what do you call that other than being God's favourite?

I am convinced that the love is not equal. Let just agree to disagree that there are those He loves dearly, then middle-class and the rest of us. Us who have been fighting battles since tender age, problems after problems, having to look at yourself and wonder if things will ever get better. From rejections, misfortunes, broken homes, lack of opportunities, relationships, you name it. All we know is fighting for survival and get to be labelled as strong, there is nothing strong about that other than being broken. Have you ever had something going from worse to unpleasant and can't help it but look at yourself as worthless nobody, ask if God really does exist. Then if "yes" why does He choose to look away each time? When will it ever be okay?

Sometimes it is tiring honestly. And I noticed that those who go through the most have beautiful hearts, generous and humble yet they are never rewarded. But those who don't know Him seem to enjoy all the benefits.
© HOPE.N❤️