

Pandora's Prism ( Part I )

*A boy wakes up in a beautiful cabin with no memory other then his name, only to be greeted by a man known as Enoch who claims to be his protector. Feeling curious they venture through this strange land where they meet others and come face to face with dark and whimsical creatures.*

When I woke up it was colorful, the glass window rained down blue, green and orange moonlight. I got to my feet and looked around, it had sea paintings hanging on the wall, a chest, books on the shelves along with little ships in a bottle.

"What a cool place" I walked over to the desk and there was a note. "Your the last". The wooden wheel on the door began to turn making a eerie noise as a figure came in.

"m'lord? I'm glad to see your awake", said the man. He was wearing a top hat, blue short sleeve jacket, bronze dress shirt, purple bow tie and. bronze boots. But what really stood out was his different colored eyes.

"Do I know you?" I may not know where I am but that doesn't mean I'm gonna trust the first person I see.

The man took off his top hat, revealing curly black hair with a pony tail. "My name is Enoch and I've been waiting for you to wake up, m'lord".

Can you stop calling me that, my name isn't m'lord, I responded.

"Then do you remember your name?" Enoch asked.

I hesitanted as my head filled with vague images. "Calvin. My name is Calvin". That was weird, but unfortunately my name was the only thing I could remember.

"Sir Calvin", said Enoch.

"Just Calvin! "

"I can't do that, sir".

I decided to forget it, apparently its how he shows respect for people. So far, hes very formal and weird. "Why am I here?"

"To be protected"

"From what?"

"Dangerous forces"

This guy is a loony, I need to figure out a way outta here. The door was ajar, guess he forgot to close which is good news for me. "I like those ships", pointing to the shelf.

"Yes. Your a big fan of them". He went over and grabbed one of the bottles, thats when I ran towards the door and closed it. It was a big corridor with several doors, I looked inside one and it had stairs leading down. There was that eerie sound again and a voice.

"Sir Calvin!" It was Enoch. "If you want to explore, I must escort you".

My eyes landed on a ladder in the middle of the corridor. I started to climd and tried to turn the mental wheel, but it was too strong. "No!" I screamed. "I just want to leave". Thats when I lost my balance and fell on my back, when I looked up I saw faint stars, I was outside.

The city was noisy with a few cars on the road, I was in an alleyway across the street from a bodega. I got up and walked onto the sidewalk, these clothes were too big for my body but it kept me warm.

I held my stomach. "With all that running away, I forgot how hungry I am". A middle-aged couple walked by and glared, they were dressed fancy, maybe they got back from a casino?

"Why is a boy out at this hour?" the man whispered.

"How irresponsible", the woman whispered. "He looks to be around 11, this is why teenagers shouldn't be parents".

"Judging by the way he looks, I think hes forced into criminal acts", the man and woman hurried to their car.

When the traffic stopped I walked over to the bodegs and was about to ask the woman for help when she swung a broom at me. I ducked and rolled towards the brick wall, stunned by the reaction.

"You kids always come around here stealing", said the woman. "I said the next time I caught one of ya your gonna regret it".

It was cold tonight, I could feel the wind against my hands as I got up a sat on a bench. I'm surprised I'm not crying after that, guess I'm in shock or I'm just happy to be someplace where everything makes sense.

I looked back at the bodega and sticked out my tongue. "Maybe, I should steal some food since you judged me too quickly". Time passed as a cop car pulled up to the bodega to get a cup of coffee and donut, I ran up to him.

Excuse me! I waved. Could you help me, I'm lost.

"Of course", he put the donut in his mouth and mumbled the words. I followed him to the police station and sat in a chair.

"Whats your name?" he asked.


"And last name?"

"I'm not sure", I looked down.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 11".

"Okay. Where do you live?"

I'm not sure either, I yawned.

He got up. "Let me take a photo of you and then you can take a nap".

"I'm kind of hungry", I got up and stood infront of the camera.

He typed something in on the computer and something flashed. "You can eat my lunch in the precinct fridge".

I sat on the bed inside a cell, the cop left the door open. Even though I yawned I'm not even tired, the questions just made me feel weird and it shouldn't. For a while I listened to the radio and saw the first sign of morning sunlight, the cop came in with a woman, she was dressed in firefighter gear.

"Calvin", said the cop. "This is Lt. Simms, she will be giving you a check-up". I sat in a chair outside the cell as the woman shined a flashlight in my eyes.

"He seems to have amnesia", she zipped up her bag. "It can come back slow or fast".

He shook her hand. "Thank you Lt. Simms. Come on Calvin, were going for a ride". After a while, we got out and started walking towards a building.

My pace was slow. "Did you find my family?"

"We couldn't find your parents", he said sadly. "I'm taking you to a foster home".

My heart sank. I didn't want to go in the system, I heard bad things. Some are good people, but not always lucky. I broke into a run across the street, I heard the cop yell something as I turned the corner. I found myself in a park as the sound of sirens closed in, I jumped a fence and walked onto the sidewalk when I saw a cop car.

I ran into an alley. "No, I don't want to go!" Again, I lost my balance and fell on my back. When I looked up a man in a top hat was starring at me.

"m'lord!" said Enoch. "I'm glad to see your not harmed".

I sat up. "Am I dreaming, how do you always know where I am?"

He kneeled beside me. "No, everything that has haappened is real. Your eyes do not play tricks. I'm meant to stay by your side and protect you".

I walked over to the desk and held up the note. "What does this mean?"

"I found it in the cabin", Enoch explained. "It refers to you".

Feeling confused. "How do you know!"

Enoch put his top hat to his heart. "Because your very important, Sir Calvin".

I read the note a few times. "Fine, I'll stay but only until I find out whats going on".

Enoch stood up. "Thank you, m'lord. Lets go outside and I'll tell you what I know, but first you must change". I was dressed in a black long sleeve denim jacket with a hood, dark orange and teal stripped shirt, black denim shorts, along with dark orange and teal boots.

When I got outside it was a beautiful forest and the place in the middle of it all was a abandoned pirate ship. "Where exactly are we?"

"Another world", said Enoch as we started walking. "This is Pandoren, it was named after the human goddess, Pandora. She was given lots of gifts by the gods and she used her influence to create this realm".

"Kind of like the different planets", I said.

"Exactly", Enoch tilted his hat. "But I think these dimensions are like labyrinths, that have countless outcomes".

We passed a little lake when I heard someone crying, I saw a girl sitting under a tree and walked over to her; Enoch followed. She looked to be around 8.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She seemed surprised and scared, but relaxed. "I'm Calvin and this is Enoch".

The girl wiped her tears. "I can't go home". She was wearing a white dress and her hair was cut short. Very weird, she didn't look homeless, maybe she was lost?

Enoch whispered. "I think she's a child sacrifice".



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