

I Never Asked and nor I will..
It's true,
I never asked anyone,
To offer me flavorings of sympathies,
And nor I will,
I never asked anyone,
To make me drink potion of strong sleves,
To gift me bag full of advices,
"To leave everything behind and move on,"
"To not to care for anything,
And ignore this and carry on,"
I never asked anyone,
To gift me musical rhythms full of care,
Or give waves full of attention,
I never asked,nor I will..
I never asked anyone,
To makeover my negativity,
With new fake hopes of positivity,
To blame me for my own emotions,
I never asked anyone,
to paint new thoughts in my weak soul,
with your brush of fake attention,
It's true,
I'm sprinkling my own thoughts,
I'm vibing my own emotions,
It's true,
I'm singing with my own sorrows,
Dancing with my own darkness,
With a hope to jump into new brightness again,
It's true,
Some tried to block the way,
Some tried to control the game,
Some tried to pour some positivity,
Some tried to offer hearts,
Full of pure bondings,
Some tried to convince the dark,
Some tried to stop the spark,
What to say...🤐
I have no words to pour out,
It's true,
I never asked anyone,
Or nor I will,
Yeah! It's true,
i poured out my own alive emotions,
From past few days,
To burn it with more shining peace,
To stop myself,
Not to dine with scattered pieces,
Some thought,
It's fake nature to gain attention
Some thought,
it's true season to distract attraction,
it was true weather,
to destroy each n every particle of imperfection,
To build my own strong selves with new perfection,
To calm myself,
To relief myself truly,
With true imperfect peaceful perfection,
It's true,
I was just in the need of pure peace,
When I started sprinkling my heart out,
Without any second thought,
To free myself from burden,
Not aware about the fact,
It's goin' wrong....
It's perfectly true,

( I don't care whatever one feels about me...😉😝
Big fat...
I DON'T CARE......
Cuz I learnt,
To care for care....😂😝😉)

© Jasni ahuja