

Entire world according to the history are now independent. And especially the country where Britishers have ruled or Mughals have ruled earlier. History proves that war us always devastating but are we up to the mark in uprooting the wars from roots. Any of our answers would be ofcourse, why not because our inner self has proved that.
Independent mean what, that in the whole world no person is sad, everyone can satisfy the hunger, no bribery in short every person upon this world is happy.

We are in such kind where now or then we are facing problems. Of course without problems what's life would be but this one which are facing is extreme. Some may think due to Kaliyuga,some might think the result of our Karma and not what. Imagine a day with all goodness show beautiful it would be but unfortunately we are not up to the that mark.

World is a huge combination of tradition and customs still there are fights in basis of religion and caste. Remember that we made. We make pick up BHAGAVD GITA,QURAN,BIBLE ,GURUSAHBJI GRANTH, AND JAIN AND BUDDHA BOOK. Each one of them stated that God is one. Then what we are fighting for.

Racism which we have seen not only in America but also in many place of this world. India is one of them . This black, brown and white. Do we forget that one supreme power created us and he decided us to give that look? Oh! One hand we pray him and on other hand we refuse his gift .

Suicide cases is beautiful are we so shameless to put student under pressure. And great lovers have forgotten their parents. Stupidity let them forget that out first love is our parents. By killing ourselves we not courageous but a rather a loser who cannot face this world.

Bribery what not less for every work. We need extra money we know that but that never meant to cheta poor people or deserving one and enforce them to bring money for every of their work. Don't we think that what if they curse us what would happen?

Rape and women suppression are coming from years have we ever tried to stop this? No never. Rather we enjoy seeing these porn and other dirty scene and pictures. And later to satisfy our self we need a girl for that.

We all know these topics are old but of course it needed to talk before we end up doing something wrong we must take steps. "Nature has already started alarming. Before it exceeds it's limits we must stop and preserve them too"


................. RASHMI KIRAN
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