

A woman I admire- part 3
We ate dinner -which was to die for- and I asked Ellie everything I had meant to ask her. We talked about which universities she went to, what classes she took and how she worked her way up to ladder, starting from the bottom. Just listening to her inspired me to try my best again. 

I'd dreamed of become a business woman ever since I was little, just like my mom was. But then my fiance came along. He'd told me he'd do all the working, so I could stay home and work on creating a nice home for our future family to live in. To prepare me for being a stay-at-home-mom. I didn't even get to refuse. 

He wasn't pleased that I ended up working anyway, even though it was at the coffee place. He made peace with it eventually. That's the only fight I've ever won. Every other fight, along with most of my confidence, I lost during the ten years we spend together. I wasn't allowed to have anything I wanted and I just let it happen.

"The secret to being successful, little dove, is being your own woman." I've heard those words before, read them in almost every book on success. But when Ellie said them, I finally got what people meant by it.  

"Only you get to decide who you are and what you want." 

We said our farewells at the door. She offered me a ride home, but I refused. I stood against her closed front door, in the softy lit hallway, not finding the strength to leave. Something kept me glued to that door and it wasn't until I got a text from my fiance that I understood why.

I didn't want to go back.

I rang her door bell, she was surprised to see I hadn't left yet. I found myself having trouble conveying what I wanted to, my tongue wouldn't have it. But Ellie seemed to understand.

"Go home to your fiance, little dove" she said, her head resting against the door. She looked tired, already wearing a silk, milk white night gown. She had looked far prettier in her suits. But at that moment, she was the most attractive I'd ever seen her.

I kissed her. 

"You'll regret this later on" she warned out of breath as she had me pressed against the hallway wall. My lips were already sore from the kisses we had desperately exchanged. Yet not my heart nor my mind was telling me to stop.

I wanted her in a way I'd never wanted anything in my entire life. And this time I wasn't going to fight over whether or not I should have it.

I just took it. 

-the end

© Liza.NvK
Note: Hoped y'all enjoyed this short story! Do share your thoughts in the comments, I'd love to know them😊 Follow me for more like-wise content~