

ATLA Fanfiction: The Dai Li agent remembers.
"Wh-what??? Where are you taking me? Stop! No!!!", cried Hun whilst chains dragged him once again with his legs straight and limp.
"This is for your own good, Hun. What has gotten into you lately?", said Remin, going along with Buong. "I hate this world. Why are still following orders when you know the truth". "There is no harsh reality, especially not the kind you are imagining", smirked Buong. "We were taken up as prodigies from the orphanage and trained here because the Earth King believed in our potential. Quit making your stories of earthbending yourself outside from this place in search of your original family". "He's right, Hun. We were taken up as orphans. No Dai Li agent has ever had any connections to the outside world", said Remin, dragging their childhood friend as they took him through the crystal catacombs.
Weary, Hun's eyes continued to blur and fade to the light underground. He was bruised and broken from all sides but that face kept appearing in front of him. Her face. What was her name, he too had forgotten now. So had she. All she knew about herself was being called Joo Dee and being the monarch's humble servant, as were all the other Joo Dees. But something was different about her. Whenever he imagined her face, he always found her dressed as a Kyoshi warrior. Her face and fabric grew vividly clear with every facade that had been appearing in his eyes.
Hun was about to faint again. The guards will never let him runaway. He knew too much about the fascism inside and outside of Ba Sing Se. These glimpses he had been seeing lately. What if he himself was losing touch with reality? What if Dai Li were always an abandoned lot gathered by the Earth King's mercy. And to think they themselves would have been brainwashed at Lake Laogai. Everyone knew he was lying. He was just another hallucinating man telling his tale of how he once met secretly with her in the cave of the crystals. An escape from the world where they had earthbended the crystals onto the dark ceiling in the path of their secret tunnel. There he would always find her waiting on the exact time. If only there was no war amongst the villages, they could have been together. If only...Hun fainted again on the way back from his seventh escape. He woke up again in front of the lantern in the celler. He smiled again as he was growing accustomed to the brainwashing at Laogai. Someday, his memory will return. Hun cackled once again.
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#fanfiction #ATLA #TLOK #DaiLi #AvatarthelastAirbender