

Just Saying
In my observation....

A lot of people are inspired by darkness. Pain and sadness are their main source of inspiration. They express their pain and suffering in different ways , some with pictures of blood dripping from their bodies from where they had cut themselves to express the pain or help relieve the pain they feel inside.
Why do they do that?
Why do they feed on the pain,and why do they feed the pain?
Do they live such sad, painful lives that it's filled with nothing but suffering?
Clearly by expressing their pain openly they are actually crying for help. They feel stuck in a dark, uncomfortable place and they are desperate to get out.
So, why arent they doing something to find a way of escape?
Why choose to be stuck in the dark?
At the same time, these are the same people who speak of warriors, slaying dragons and demons. Is that their attempt at being positive?
. You wanna express your pain to let off steam, that's fine. But conclude it with a positive solution. If not, pretty soon you're gonna run out of masks to wear.frfr I'm just sayin'....
© kristy ellison flake