

My Dear Younger Self
My Dear Younger Self,

Hey sweetheart! Look at me!Dry your and listen to me.

When I look into your eyes, I see myself.
I know you feel overwhelmed right now and curse the day you were born but listen carefully.

I’m writing this letter to let you know that I’m proud of you. I’m proud of how far you’ll come to be where I am now. It may seem hard or impossible but look at me—we’ve made it.

Forgive me dear younger me, for believing the hurtful words of those who said you were worthless.
• "You are worthy of love and affection."

I’m sorry for letting your classmates' bullying make you think you were ugly or dumb.
• "You're more than childhood bullies—you’re a star that will shine in the darkest nights."

I’m so sorry for listening to the dark thoughts that told you that you should never have existed, that your presence hurt others. Those thoughts were all lies.

•"Don’t let the dark side take hold of your mind—there’s still more to learn, discover, and live."

I’m sorry for making you always try to please others. You’ll learn that it’s not worth the effort.
•"What matters is what makes you happy."

I’m sorry for letting you grow up afraid of disappointing and afraid of failing. Some people said that you were a disappointment, that you wouldn’t get anywhere, but let us prove them wrong.

•"Mistakes are part of life, and you shouldn’t be ashamed of your failures, for there lies our biggest lessons—It is Okay to fail as long as you try something at least."

I’m so sorry for letting you sink into all those fears, until you create your comfort zone, your refuge, away from others, away from lies,hurtful words. You learned to protect yourself.

•"You will survive no matter what happens to you—believe me. I’ve seen you grow, and now I know you will be fine."

Remember all those times when you were so sad that you couldn’t speak or breathe, when you faced pain and loneliness without support.
•"No child should go through depression and anxiety alone, without support or help."

Remember the times when physical pain was almost a daily routine, and emotional pain your daily bread, you learned to accept the unbearable.
So often you sat by the lake, hoping a wave would wash you away and end all this suffering, some other times you fell asleep hoping to never wake up again...

But despite everything, these moments have made you who you are now.
These challenges have made you stronger than ever.
•"Don't hold grudges but see these experiences as valuable lessons that have helped you grow and become the loving, compassionate person you are today."

You are much stronger than you think.
No more self-criticism
based on what others have told you.
No more fear of the future.
No more fear of failure.
Go ahead, jump in, and fail
—it’s okay, not a big deal.
If you do, you’ll learn.

Rise and shine.
Accept your strengths and weaknesses.
Don’t dwell in the past,
or don’t worry too much about the future.
•"Today’s what matters."

You are so much more than what people have said.
You’re better than the category society puts you in.
You are you, and you are unique.
You deserve to hear this when the sun rises, when it sets, and every minute in between.

I love you,
The Older You

© Angieb_Writes