

Always There
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Shiloh has been friends with Zephyr for almost 18 years. Ever since they were kids, they've been really close. Shiloh is known to be an awkward introvert. She rarely had any friends throughout her lifetime. The only friend she leans on is Zephyr, who is extremely extroverted yet he only talks to Shiloh.

Shiloh was playing RowBlocks on her computer at her bedroom. She was surprised to see Zephyr, watching her play the game with full interest on his face.

"Zephyr! How did you even come here? I didn't hear you enter the room." Shiloh said with a surprised look on her face.

"Oh, come on. I've always entered in your room without any notice." Zephyr jokingly said.

Shiloh stopped playing RowBlocks and stared deeply into Zephyr's eyes, reading his movements.

"What?" Zephyr said with a hint of nervousness on his face.

"Oh, nothing." Shiloh said, chuckling.

"Shiloh, dinner is ready!" A loud voice can be heard downstairs. It was Shiloh's mom, serving a light dinner meal on the table.

"Hey, dinner is prepared. Let's eat together, Zephyr!" Shiloh excitingly said as she went downstairs and immediately sat on the chair.

Shiloh was surprised to see that the dinner only consisted of meals for 2 people. She thought to herself that there are gonna be three people eating.

"Mom, why are there only 2 meals? Zephyr will eat with us." Shiloh was worried.

"It'll be fine, silly. Just eat." Shiloh's mom flashed a big smile on her.

Shiloh just ate her dinner slowly. As she was eating, Shiloh stared at Zephyr. He was just watching her eat in silence.

After Shiloh is done with her meal, she washed the dishes and talked with Zephyr who is just standing beside her.

"Zephyr.. isn't weird that you only talk to me and no one else?" Shiloh asked.

"Heh, I'm used to it. I may love socializing a lot, but I get ignored most of the time. It's okay. At least, I get to talk to you!" Zephyr said as he hugged Shiloh tightly.

"Aw, stop it! That tickles." Shiloh said, laughing loudly.

Time skip, Shiloh's relatives visited her house early in the morning. Shiloh hid in a corner, panicking. She is bad at socializing and has a fear in confronting her relatives.

"Shiloh, it'll be alright. Just go on." Zephyr cheered her up, patting her back.

"F-fine.." Shiloh stuttered. "But you have to go with me."

"Oh.. okay sure. Anything for my friend." Zephyr said.

Shiloh walked slowly towards the living room where her relatives are sitting. They were all having a chit-chat. As she walked closer to them, her relatives stared at her.

"Woah, Shiloh is finally out of her cave!" Shiloh's cousin said jokingly. "Now, did you find any friends or perhaps.. a boyfriend?"

"No..." Shiloh nervously replied. She then looked at Zephyr and pointed towards him. "But I have... Zephyr.. my very close friend."

The room went silent for a minute. Zephyr's face was filled with anxiety.

"What's wrong, Zephyr?" Shiloh asked.

"I might.. look ugly to them..." Zephyr replied as tears rolled down to his face.

"Zephyr, no. You look fine." Shiloh comforted him.

"No.. this is why I don't have any friends. I look terrible!" Zephyr bursted out, running upstairs towards Shiloh's bedroom.

"Zephyr, wait!" Shiloh yelled, as she tried to chase after Zephyr.

Shiloh was about to run, but her relatives grabbed her arm forcefully.

"What are you all doing? Let me go!" Shiloh cried, as she tried to escape their grasps.

"You need to stop chasing for you so-called friend. He is harming you." Shiloh's cousin warned her.

"No! He is my only friend.." Shiloh cried, begging for them to let her go.

"You lost your social life because of him! You need to get your life back together." Shiloh's mom yelled.

Shiloh's relatives pulled her inside the car. Shiloh was crying the whole time and begging for them to let go.

They arrived at a familiar place where Shiloh goes almost every week for session. Her relatives pulled her to a familiar white room, making sure that Shiloh don't escape on their grasp.

A tall man on white coat arrived at the room, holding a straitjacket. The man proceeded to dress up Shiloh with the jacket, and made her wear a grippy sock.

"Is it worse this time?" The man said, holding a notebook. He made sure to take note of everything they are saying

"Yes. I've brought a lot of people this time, for proof. They've seen it all." Shiloh's mom firmly answered. Her relatives nodded together and they all left the white room, leaving the man on the white coat and Shiloh behind.

Zephyr busted inside the white room, breathing heavily.

"Shiloh, what did they do to you?" Zephyr was extremely worried.

"They're.. trying to kidnap me! Help me, Zephyr!" Shiloh cried, begging to be saved.

The man on white coat stood up and blocked Shiloh's view.

"What are you doing?! I'm trying to talk to Zephyr! Move out of the way." Shiloh yelled at the man, trying to escape.

"Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you." The man said as he pulled a syringe from his pocket.

"Hey, what are you doing? Leave me alone!" Shiloh's head suddenly went blank as the man injected a mysterious liquid towards her body. She went sleepy and unconscious.

After a few hours of being asleep, Shiloh woke up in the same room. This time, she is tied up onto the bed. She yelled and tried to escape from the bed.

The man and Shiloh's mom entered the room. The man was standing on the door and Shiloh's mom stepped closer to her.

"Mom, why am I here?" Shiloh asked with teary eyes.

"It's not your fault, sweetie..." Shiloh's mom comforted her, as she sat down beside her.

"What do you mean? Let me out of here.. I hate it here. Where is Zephyr? I need him." Shiloh cried.

"Sweetie.. it's been years. It's not your fault.. you were a kid that time. It's my fault for not giving you enough attention.." Shiloh's mom said with teary eyes.

"What are you talking about, mom? You gave me enough attention.." Shiloh was confused.

"I know Zephyr is very important to you. I know that he is close to you." Shiloh's mom explained.

"Yes.. but why do you guys ignore him? He is a nice person. He is always right beside me." Shiloh defended.

"I know.. but listen, it wasn't your fault. You.. pushed him downstairs when you guys had an argument. He didn't.. wake up. It's been years, Shiloh. It's not your fault." Shiloh's mom explained. "You've been in medication for a couple of years. But you kept on talking to Zephyr.. he was never there."

"What are you.. talking about? He is always right there beside me. When I need him, he is right there.." Shiloh said. Her face went blank and the memories came back flooding in her mind.

She got flashbacks on what happened.

She remembered when her and Zephyr were kids, playing inside her house. Shiloh made fun of Zephyr's face, which resulted to him screaming at her. Zephyr went upstairs to cool himself down, but Shiloh followed her. The argument went on, but things got heated real quick.

"If you keep defending yourself bullying me, let's not be friends from now on!" the young Zephyr screamed, while running towards the stairs.

Before Zephyr even stepped his foot on the stair, Shiloh pushed him. Zephyr lost balance and fell on the first floor. Shiloh rushed towards him and waked him up, but he didn't.

"Zephyr... you're joking, right? Please, wake up. I'm sorry if I made fun of you.." Shilog begged, as she shaked Zephyr's body to wake him up.

Shiloh's mom ran towards them because of the noise and was extremely horrified on what she saw.

Zephyr was immediately rushed to the hospital. His family arrived, and Shiloh's mom told them what happened. Zephyr's parents beated young Shiloh until she can't move.

"How could you do this to my son? You psychopath!" Zephyr's mom screamed, as she punched young Shiloh in the face.

Shiloh's mom just watched her daughter get beaten up while sobbing. After the incident, Shiloh was not the same. She kept on talking to herself and often spaces out. She kept denying that Zephyr died.

Since the pain was unbearable for her, she made an entire imagination where Zephyr lived. She made it into reality, but only her sees him.

Shiloh went back to the present moment, sobbing uncontrollably. Zephyr approached her and tapped on her shoulder.

"Shiloh, I never left you. I am here. Always there." Zephyr said.

Shiloh just stared at Zephyr, slowly accepting the fact that he is just only an imagination made inside of her head.

The man on the white coat finally approached Shiloh with another syringe. This time, her relatives entered and surrounded the room with their presence.

As the man on the white coat slowly approached Shiloh, she finally accepted that things already happened. She kept fighting for her life that she never killed Zephyr. But this time, it is time for her to stop.

Shiloh's mom stood up and stepped aside, letting the man on white coat do his job.

"Doctor, you may now do it." Shiloh's mom said. "Shiloh, I've always loved you."

Shiloh just went silent and just seemed to know what was gonna happen. She just closed her eyes and smiled.

The doctor injected the syringe towards Shiloh's arm. As she felt the liquid rushing down to her veins, she took a slow deep breath. It seems like it was her first breath that made her feel alive, without even thinking about Zephyr.

Tomorrow morning, Shiloh's mom did her usual routine. This time, she felt like a huge splint was removed from her body. She was washing the roses, and arranged them.

She then went towards the grave from her backyard, placing the flowers on the ground. She then smiled and said,

"Shiloh, you're now finally going to be with Zephyr. Now, you are ALWAYS THERE for him."

© chaiwrites