

A man named George Wembley is just roaming around in the night, overworked.
But as soon as he gets home...
He gets a call from St Medley's Hospital. "Prrrringggg!" Prrringggg!"
He seizes it, because his wife has been in the hospital for years because of her deadly condition. She was old, and she had pneumonia...
"Hey Wembley, uhhhh your wife sh- she--- "She what? She damn what? Is my heart getting crashed just like how I lost my father?!"
"She died...."
It felt like a pistol shot down his heart when he heard that, he couldn't do anything but drown in his sorrow with tears swimming down his squinted eyes.
But... he wouldnt't take it anymore
His father passed away, his wife. NOW WHAT? NOW A DAMN WHAT?
SMOKING CIGERATTES AND DRUNK DRIVING, THEN GOING TO PRISON FOR DOING SO?! His life just turned over like when you rotate a picture.
He got an evil plan... More so devious...
He would get the lads have a pint, haha fun day. BUT THEN, Mafia "El Calamigos" jumps and shoots them in the head.
Made a couple of calls and they were down. And the friends for the so called "party" yeah....
"Hey, Martin, Willis, Tommy!"
Everything was going well, but you know the plan
"Knock" Knock" Open the frickin do'!"
Martin stood up, "I'll get it!"
He twisted the knob "Now why you disturbing my peaceful night ya junki-...."
And all it took to die was a cock and a bang..
George's plan worked! Just like the title of this whole fiction book you are reading,
But then... St Medley's Police came over "Knock" "Knock"
They were doomed...