

The Aftermath
Puerta Isla de Potaic,Guatemala.
Skor Chiqueta emerged with John Alberts and Emilio Gomez,who tried to save Jonash Kelleen from Carlos's betrayal. Walking over a Jeep, Skor approaches its owner and,in his native Latin Spainish, negotiated for the vehicle while John strategized about how he's going to beat Carlos.
John to Emilio and Jonash: We need a strategy to spy on Carlos and find out what he's doing for his plan.
Emilio: I could go undercover within the organization and find out.
John: no, I don't think its it's a good idea. Skor, what do you think?
Turning around, Skor says: John, I'm gonna do it. So, none of you would have to worry about doing it yourselves.
John, Skor and Emilio gets blasted away from each other by an RPG rocket while Jonash runs into the jungle that he goes into hiding for a few years. John gets and calls over to Skor and Emilio: where's Jonash? Don't tell me he ran off without us!!
Skor and Emilio looks up and sees an operative running out of the jungle towards them, armed with an AK-47,firing wildly. John gets up, grabs the rifle, and punches the operative out, sending him down the ground. Then, John, Skor and Emilio runs towards the dock and, jumping into native canoe, starts rowing down the river towards Port de Cortez, a small fishing village on the Caribbean coastline.