

Stalked: $5 Pizza
Made a store run..like eight minie bottoles of Jack..So I walked about 3 Miles I'm expecting to go homeless to get out of Southern California.. Yucca Valley desert. I hung at the 5$ pizza place. off of Old Springs Woman RD...for about 45 min's.. it was closed but two homless people were there.. They had Herb 🌿... I did a few shots..talked some Escotoligy..read Atomic God Blogger.. Read one personality.. I read the outher guy there about a year ago at the swampmeat. I try to encorager them with my spew..you inherite Who you Are..than you go sit on the lap of the Father.. I watched the parking lot and around me..the guy Doug was out side with no clothes on changing.. Homless in the desert is tuff.. felt good no one watching... there was one guy and his wife gave me some attention.they were filling gas....that was because...I figured they over heard me talking "God"..I was brain damaged and little school..very little social interaction..but I get talking it's a nice Teaching level..and I cover the whole sprectom..Aliens.. metaphysical,.. NDE.. Conceness.. Yoga.. Bible..in a good way...not preaching.. enlightenment style.. people love it all...and I watched as I talked.. seems coast is clear. The team was on me for 20 years..a handfull of kill attempts.. I'm a little unnevered.. with no one on me..the unknown.. Perhaps these articles will inspire a Investgation for the Cop's. Of they queso Bill..ask a few questions a Investgator.. would know he's lying. Also if the Black Security Guard was identify..and placi around me over the Years.. phone calls.. And Treasa Warren.. if she was questioned.. She's a stupid lyer..easy to see through that and Kelly Bell.. Mabey Money passed to the Black Security Guard from Bill.. and if a Investgator can check to see if there is a Life Insurance policy on me.. also ask Bill did I give him Thousands of dollars..and the IRS fraud that was Bill...Bill's Guilty.. Now Teresa knew Bill when I was with her she never told me..but.. there was enough .. funny..time's..also..Mollie..Tresea daughter..who I thought was mine.. is probably Bills .. also Kandy Malture.. find her on Facebook... She talked to Bill.. The reason I bring These names up..is that over the years I've had people come After me in the late of night.. after I told Tresea and Kandy where I was sleeping thoses night...this was maney years ago. And if we're looking for movitive.. Bill trying to hide things.. It Goes back to when we were little kids. mabey 5 or 6.. Bill took me to the Child Molester..I was sexual assalted then. and a second time I remember I was sexual assalted.. under a pepper tree I could see Bill looking at me from the back yard were we lived... After that I seem not to be self aware for maney years... My mom looked at me one day some time later and said to Bill what happened to him he's not the Same.. We moved out of that house soon after but it was too late for me.. my mind was Screwed for Life..I'm 59.. Now... To bad.. Bill did that but to bad my mom left us alone as kids..for Bill to do that..Bill is real dirty.. me and Kelly Bell knows..A doubt Bill told Kelly about the Sexual Abuse.. The reason is Kelly though Bill was doing right... If kelly knew...if anyone knew would you be friends with Bill. Kelly said to me one day "God won't let Bill kill you" I was about 30.. years old..I did not understand then I do Now.🤪 It would be nice if Bill got caught for all the years of Stalking and attempted Kills.. NSA.. would know..but the local police need information/evedince.. and I'm still alive so where's the Crime. But one day maybe..Karma!
© Anthony Sanders