

LUCK BY CHANCE: Part 2 Y/N Series
And y/n was selected. She screamed, she ran out, she jumped over the bed, and did many mad things.
She was very happy that she got selected.
She said,"This is the best moment of my life ever!"
"Now, let's go through the information", says y/n.
Their was written,' Congratulations you are selected. You are now a part of our publication. You have to stay in South Korea. You have to come South Korea in next month and from next month only you have to write for our publications.
Thank You'.
She happily said," Yay!!, let's inform Mom about this".
She rushed to her Mom.
"Mom, Mom!! I have been selected to write for the South Korea's publications!! y/n said without any pause.
Her mother said,"What!! you have been selected! I knew my daughter will get success one day! I am very happy my child".
"Oh! Mom I haven't become a author yet.Calm down!" says y/n giggling.
"Yeah yeah, so when you are going to South Korea?"
"The website informed me to come South Korea next month."
"So, O.K! you have Ten days."
"Yes! Mom", said y/n cheerfully.
To be continued
Next part coming after 1 day...
Stay tuned...
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