

Judging Addiction
People always judging an addict until it happens to one of their own. Keep an open mind and pray for them, instead. As children, growing up in school, we didn't say we wanted to be addicts when we grew up. Hell, alot of us were in the DARE program.
Addiction doesn't discriminate. Addiction just takes over anyone that it can get it's grips on. A lot of us don't make it out of addiction until its too late. Some of the lucky few have to deal with the repercussions of judgement, families that will never look at them the same and for the very unlucky, dealing with auto immune diseases and liver disease.
The rest of the ones that dont get so lucky to make it out, either end up overdosed, dead, in rehabs, mental facilities, jail and many other unfortunate circumstances. Reasons behind addiction can be anywhere from starting out at regular parties and just not stopping to emotional, physical, or spiritual trauma varying on different situations in life.
They could have been in an accident and got put on narcotics from the doctor. They could've been having panic attacks and the Dr gave them medicine and then they just never got off the medication because it was working for them and then they one day decided to stop using them and try something else and end up having to go back to it because they're already addicted to the medicine that they had been prescribed.
So before you decide that you're going to call an addict a junkie or be stereotypical about an addict or bash an addict or alcoholic online think about it. Karma has a weird way of turning around on you even if you're doing good in life. It's all about the energy that you put out and give.
Like I said, it could be a relative or friend the next time you judge an addict. Call us junkies, call us no good, call us what you want, but you're only putting negative energy in the world that comes back to you. You get what you give so to speak. Stay positive and open minded. I love you all🥀
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© Sebastian Francis