

I'm not a extra
If I ever be in a movie I want to be the leading actress because when the director say action I will because a different person In the movie I will kick so butt my favorite movie is fast in the furious I but myself inside the movie and wishing I was in it fighting the bad guys driving down lanes switching gears cops coming from every which way or be the one that get safe by a nice guy and he don't know if I have skill or not to fight when danger come along because being a actress or actor is fun and hard work to have to make sure you nail your part so the director can say I want you in the movie for part 1 part 2 part 3 and so forth out shine the person trying to get the same part you both up for and tell yourself I'm going to get that part I don't want to be a extra I want to be in the movie my name on the screen when the movie come out your family can say look at you playing in a movie they see you as the leading actress doing your thang on the big screen.

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