

The backwardsgurl
So you'll find with my writings that I'm a rambler. The kind of girl who interrupts people mid sentence because I'm afraid I'll lose my thought. Just poof into thin air somewhere.. My writing style is unorthodox I suppose. Alot like myself. I was born out of rebellion, more than my fair share of impetuous and of course bad decisions. I was almost in the sixth grade and could not read time on the clock, or even more embarrassing remember left from right without writing the word hi with my right hand. Little things like that I still have to work hard to remember. Not knowing these things automatically makes me look alot dumber than I really am. Or maybe I am? The very idea that I'm questioning my intelligence probley means I'm at least reasonably smart. It's just like my wiring is a little loose most of the time. Slightly disconnected. Yes. I believe that describes Me relatively well. Here a bit, Wondering where I am a bit. Usually most of the time. I wonder alot if other people that don't have Alzeimers feel like me. 🤔
I had decided a few years back as I shuffled down the sidewalk stopping to peer at a glittery rock or two. Looking for those simple treasures bring me such joy. Anyway I decided than that I was a funny kind of human. Getting so much more joy from the simple things. I'm low maintenence for the most part. I don't need alot of money, I never spend to much. I hate buying cloths new. Unless of course they are on clearance. That's acceptable. I buy gifts at the thrift store alot of times too. It's about the thought I feel and not the amount behind the dollar sign. If I see something that reminds me of someone I may be random gifting them soon. I know I'm putting alot of infacece on money here but my whole life Iv been poor. Proud to be in fact. Hard-working. That's been something that made me feel useful. I was always praised for being such a hard worker. Still am. I always say give me the tools I need for the job aannd I'll get it done. The more physical the more I like it. Seeing what iv done in living color in front of me is very satisfying.
I come from rebellious seed really. My Dad had a great job driving Pepsi. Making middle- class money. He got tired of giving his time to 'The man.' So he took all of us and we moved out in the middle of No where named the homestead Rain Creek and proceeded to stick it to the man for the rest of our formative child hood years. From then on the Backwardsgirl was formed. More to come. Good night all.