

Anyways I went to detention after school.My teacher told me that I should write an essay on the importance of not lying.I was like is this woman crazy .She then said that when I was done that she would hire a senior student to be my tutor.Wow so much for being my teacher.Then when I was done she called a senior student named Beyanka.She was super nice and well she was a emmm.......... NERD!!!!! but she was cool.She had a little sister names Emma.She said she would come to my house to teach me .That was when my mum came to the Principals office.My mum told me that I was grounded so she collected my phone.And that I would have to get a job cause she will not be giving me money.I love children but she just crossed the line.I and Beyanka became friemd she had a sister that was my age but she was in another country her name is Lily.She said she was receiving treatment cause she had Cancer.I was like wow so Mich going on.Yeah so today I am going to investigate grandma's house with Beyanka and my sister.My mum told me that I was not going anywhere so we decided to connect through talkie walkies.When they got there they told me that the house had disappeared and My cousin was not there

What do you think guys.Sorry I did not post earlier was busy .Thanks.