

Beauty at its finest ch. 1
The grass was green, the sunrise rolling in, and the birds singing in the distance. As the new arrival of the newborn puppy known as Shiloh, was on the way. The small pup squeaked as the mother picked her up for the first time, at that moment, she didnt know it yet, but her life would change forever.
when Shiloh got adopted into her new family, she knew she was going love living there, and a few month pass by, all was normal for her, until she heard the front door open, she wanted to see what was up, but she was, at the moment, eating. She heard footsteps down the hallway, tiny footsteps... somethings was off, we sshe went down the hallway, it had finally hit her, she was going to have a little brother. His name was Kylo, she absolutely adored him, and the got along eever since.
It just goes to show that if you treat other kindly, the will treat you the same way in return.