

My misconceptions about people who love me , misfired when I found a loving soul beneath her grossly snobbish nature.
I was grieving, as she left me a note of love and regret for having spent just 5 yrs of faith and friendship. Her last words in 2016....
“Never regret anything you have done with a sincere affection; nothing is lost that is born of the heart.”

Back in 2004, I had a
Turkish friend , *Chirin pronounced /shi- reen/ my neighbour , adjacent to my apartment in the corniche area , sharjah.

She was a high profile business woman, single mom with a daughter as vivacious and loony like her.
Everytime,we would throw passive glances at each other in the elevator that carried our wanton weights from the mall, markets , office and morning walks to our quiet home.
She was not a woman I would ever feel to gel with;
Not with my independent and reserved disposition that would cleverly choose the people, I want to vibe with.
The first thing I wished was to escape being with her or at least avoid sharing those awkward 10 mins ,either going down or jetting up . I kept a tinker bell hung near my door that would ring to tell , how her door closed.
It did the job well and I was freed from the nuisance .
For the first six months, I felt that victory is at hand and I'm always saved from making foolish relationships with strangers.
Ahaaaaa ! 👍😄
Not until , I noticed one afternoon that she had been blindfolded after she had underwent a surgery for dilating her pupils . It was a well kept secret with her dark sunglasses on , she kept binging during her morning walks.

After the summer months set in , sandstorms enslaved us within our cosy nests and it was a win win situation for me as I seldom saw her . Unless for the farther east end bedroom wall that was linked together. Jostling from work and study, I stupefied a few moments of rest and relaxation here with soft music playing and keeping the room dreamy with clouds and flowers as wall papers. It was my private XANADU.

The months of April, May and June left us bewildered as we were totally cut off and did we miss each other , at least for collecting the keys ...., perhaps not so attractive grins that perplexed the lady at the counter. We did put on the airs and did that sabotage our energy ?
At least , we refused to utter " Hello " even for a name sake formality. I soon learnt that we were both of the same clan and that got confirmed when I retorted to Mrs philaminaa, our charwoman , about the world outside which was far more fetching than the inner battles fought and sought everyday.

From my short stories volume-1
© Lizbeth