Title: Blood Moon's Curse
Black Hollow was a small, eerie village wherein every a hundred years, a terrifying night time became awaited. According to legend, while the Blood Moon rose, an ancient demon—vampire Azaroth—could wake up. On that night, the lives of the villagers would either be destroyed all the time or they would emerge as Azaroth's slaves.
Kara's life:
Kara changed into a clever and brave lady, however she had a dark past. A few years ago, her parents had tragically died in a peculiar coincidence, leaving her with the responsibility of looking after her younger sister, Elise. Elise frequently had peculiar goals at night time—approximately a demon calling to her.
Liam’s Past:
Liam, a traveler who came to the village, had misplaced the whole lot in his existence. Once a vampire hunter, a clash with Azaroth had taken the lives of his entire family. Now, he lived handiest for revenge, though deep down, he turned into aware about his personal weakness.
The Growing Threat:
As the Blood Moon approached, extraordinary occasions commenced taking place inside the village. A person who had long past into the woods in no way again. Some humans commenced to see shifting shadows...
Black Hollow was a small, eerie village wherein every a hundred years, a terrifying night time became awaited. According to legend, while the Blood Moon rose, an ancient demon—vampire Azaroth—could wake up. On that night, the lives of the villagers would either be destroyed all the time or they would emerge as Azaroth's slaves.
Kara's life:
Kara changed into a clever and brave lady, however she had a dark past. A few years ago, her parents had tragically died in a peculiar coincidence, leaving her with the responsibility of looking after her younger sister, Elise. Elise frequently had peculiar goals at night time—approximately a demon calling to her.
Liam’s Past:
Liam, a traveler who came to the village, had misplaced the whole lot in his existence. Once a vampire hunter, a clash with Azaroth had taken the lives of his entire family. Now, he lived handiest for revenge, though deep down, he turned into aware about his personal weakness.
The Growing Threat:
As the Blood Moon approached, extraordinary occasions commenced taking place inside the village. A person who had long past into the woods in no way again. Some humans commenced to see shifting shadows...