

How We Are Passively Killing Species
Almost a 100 years ago , someone discovered DDT. DDT was effective in killing mosquitos , but could not wipe out the entire population. This is because a certain percentage of mosquitos, let us say 4% for now , was resistant to DDT. This 4% became 100% of the entire mosquito population 3-4 years later after DDT was introduced. All of a sudden, DDT was not so effective anymore.
This same technique is being used on human beings of today. Only change is that the weapon of attack is not DDT, but the radiation spectrum. Not all of us have the same body resistance against radiation. Permissible radiation level was decided keeping radiation resistance of an average human being in mind. Since , there will always be a few people with great body hindrance to radiation , the human population can't theoretically be wiped out by radiation emitted from daily use devices such as smartphones, microwaves, etc. But can the same be said for all species. Why has a bird flu errupted all of a sudden ? Has radiation weakened immunity level in birds , making them more susceptible to flu ? Permissible radiation levels do not keep in requirement all the species out there. That is because we know how radiation impacts only a select list of species. Among the less cataloged ones , there will exist some species that are very susceptible to radiation , and are we sure that herd immunity will work for these species ? Besides viruses, radiation exposure is the other big invisible enemy. And we don't yet know which species will next be pushed to the brink of existance. We can only guess.
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