

He fell for her the moment he saw her at the __________. Fill in the blank and create a story.

He fell for her the moment he saw her at the bench sitting in the park, he couldn't help but stare at those eyes which made him felt a different feeling which he never felt before.

His trance was broke when he felt a tap on his shoulder, he removed that hand and continued staring, he felt and tap again and groans, he look up to see his big bro, and he grin and scratched his head.

His bro smile at his bro and look at the girl and and then his bro again and said come on varun you need to get home otherwise you know what mom will do.

Varun said but Bhai, and he look back at the girl to see she wasn't there. His bro said yah but what, and Varun said nothing come let's go ,time is going, come on na
And with that Varun dragged his bro by his arm.

Varun was sitting behind his bro on his bike and was lost in thought or you can say lost in his girl lol
his bro could see his expression and said oye stop behaving like a love sick puppy
Hearing puppy he look at his bro with puppy eyes,
his bro said not that puppy face again otherwise I'll change ur name to puppy itself.

Here we could see a girl who was standing with some girls and was laughing on the terrace , when one of the girl said uff how can I tell you how it was so hard to not stare at those eyes, everytime I look in those eyes Its like I got hypnotized.
when one of the girl slapped her forehead and said and again riya you started with her love poems
hearing this Riya the girl glared her
and said what to do
how can I let him go
when I know he is mine
the one who always on my mind
she couldn't help but blushed and hide her face in her hand
making the other girls sigh

he love a girl who loves him yet didn't know that she love him, whereas she knew he loves him and only goes in the park to get a glimpse of him.

© Amru❤️