

What Equality Is.
Congratulations! You have come forward as a society that encourages, endows and empowers! Or so you think.

Society says that we support women empowerment. We support a person's right to equality. But think about it this way:

We have taught women self-defense. We have taught them to speak out if they feel violated. We have taught them to fight back and inflict hell on those who dare to harm the purity of the sacred feminine. All that is good. But will it not be better to teach our sons to respect women instead? To make the word such a safe place that women don't need to know all this? Prevention is better than cure, they say. In much the same way, fighting crimes is okay, but it will be better if there were no crimes.

We have taught our daughters to not give up on dreams. They do jobs after marriage and prove their worth by managing both work and home. But we forgot to teach our sons that as husbands, if you believe in equality, they, too, should manage both work and home with their wives. Why should the female have to do double the work and the male, just the same? Think about it.

We look at the word "feminism". And believe me, I know how most of you think. You think that the word is too powerful, too radical-sounding. You think it means something you are not ready to accept. Think again. Feminism is just, simply, another word for equality. Equality between the genders.
It's not a complex theory that you need to study a hundred times before announcing yourself a follower of. It's not a radical way to run society– like socialism, communism, democracy, etc. Feminism is a belief. A belief that acknowledges the distinction between genders and seeks to end it.

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Image credits: Feminism– the infamous f-word by The All State