

The Lost world
Some where... far from here....
There was a little deserted island. A place were nobody could live.
They thoughts so!
The meandering sandy roads brought them to a very strange location. These roads were normally difficult to walk.
Every hiker had most of the time, special attributes in is hands. Step by step they climb the very sharp slope.
Sometimes they stood still for some moment. Then their hearts began to beat very quick and became short of breathe.
At that moment...
They had a very special feeling!
Because the more they went to the top, the more stones they found. But not just any stones! When touch, they began to twinckle. Even several persons showed symtoms of trance. So much so that they started talking gibberish.
They looked fine and relaxed. The further they went... the more it began to look like a Paradise.
They stayed there all day. There was plenty of food... The fruits grew along
the road on the trees.
But by evening the stones were gone and the fruits too. They started to feel bad and had to go back down.
No one could find an explanation about the secret stones....
That's why this mountain was so mysterieus and special.

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