

Help - Ignorant
I know from earlier that you never changed, always remain that type of person who only love ownself. Apart from it I think that I can change you by unconditional Love of mine for you.

I never want to say you that but the real fact is I am first only trying to make you strong and wipe your tear but later i decided to I accept you as my responsibility but now a days because of you I take stress, disappointment and crying and or other things which creates always imbalance in my life by that person whom I choose for holding my hand on one day.

The most important thing is you remain complete unchanged like before. Now a days come where I am going to mad in your love but you have not any impact. I am trying again and again that go away from your life but I can not.

Now I remain silent because I tired from all arguments with you which are only need only you my love ,your time,and only care if yours for me.

Currently you force me to think that one day sure come in your life where you actually understand my love but till then all are go away from your hand and your all efforts are going to be meaningless.