

Love Crime Thriller 2
Mansi tried to help Sanju back on chair but he refused and asked her to leave at once in a low but firm voice. As she placed her hand on the door knob to leave, he called her...
Sanju: Mansi...
Mansi: Yes sir... (she sounded hopeful)
Sanju: Ask the security guard to book me a cab. I need to go to the railway station urgently and I’m not in the condition to drive.
Mansi: Ok sir but are you...
Sanju: Just do as I say, no more questions.
Mansi: Yes sir.

He thought he saw a glimpse of tears in her eyes as she left. She had always tried to grab his attention. Sometimes he felt it was for promotion-recommendation purposes and sometimes....

It was a 20 mins journey which deep inside Sanju never wanted to end. Alas, he reached the station, suddenly someone kept an arm around his shoulders. He looked towards his left and he found officer Neeraj by his side. He looked really somber.

Neeraj: I’ll accompany you.

Sanju would have given his all to escape that moment but he couldn't because he had to stay strong.... Stay strong for Riha... for his Riha.

He knelt down.

Sanju first looked at the long hair, but didn't Riha always say that she wasn't patient enough to handle long hair and was one month enough for her hair to grow so long?!!

At the end, Sanju lifted her hand to check for the birthmark she had around her elbow. He felt the knot in his chest loosen when he saw that the birthmark was not there.....

But suddenly his eyes became wide when he noticed something around her wrist.
Neeraj: Is it...?
Sanju: No
Neeraj: Are you sure...
Sanju: Yes I'm sure that it's not Riha.
Sanju: I'm leaving.
Sanju hurried away and was followed by Officer Neeraj's suspicious gaze until he was out of sight.

Sanju kept walking hurriedly until he reached a public park and sat there.
He couldn't believe what he had just seen. Could she really be? But how was this possible? Every question, every thought that was coming to his mind had only one name in it- Aksha.

Sanju had met Aksha during college days she was gorgeous smart and full of confidence and humour. Soon, He proposed her and she agreed. They really loved being together. Everything was going well until that one weekend which changed Aksha..... She was not the same then, she was always distracted. She preferred staying distant with others. And then came one time when she became miserable... Whenever Sanju was alone with her he felt he saw some glimpses of his old Aksha but in front of others she kept messing up things and kept embarrassing him. And then one day, Sanju felt that it was high time and that he couldn't handle this anymore.
He told her that their relationship could not go anymore because they didn't have any future together. She had tears in her eyes, but she just showed him the tattoo on her wrist which read 'Commit to the present' and then she said, "If not the future, just the present then".
That day, Sanju felt like he got his old cheerful, confident Aksha back. But he had set his mind against patch up. At the end of the day, She kissed him and muttered in a soft voice, "The present, That's all".

Next morning, Sanju came to know that Aksha committed suicide. He was shaken and that was when he understood what her last words meant... The very next day Aksha's mother came to his home to give him a letter.
The letter read:
'Sanju, my love, I'm sorry for taking the step but now when I am gone, I want you to know some things. My father was having an affair and when my mum discovered about this they had a big row over it and that day my father even beat her. Soon this became a daily routine at my house until he finally divorced her. Maybe this was what led me to depression and I became miserable over time. I always wanted to make you proud of me, but this depression problem made me embarass you now and then and this kept increasing my misery. I never told you this because I didn't want you to be troubled. I never took medicines because I knew you were my real therapy and soon enough you became my only string of hope through which I was clinging to life. When you said that we don't have any future together. I knew it was my last day because I always knew that I had no future at all without you. But now, You are free Sanju, you are free of this miserable Aksha! I have loved you in my mortal life and will keep loving you even in afterlife. Stay Happy Sanju, that is all I want and find someone who deserves you. All The Best!!!'
After that, Sanju had always felt a hollow feeling inside him as if Aksha took a part of him along. It was only after he met Riha that he started feeling whole again.

But today he could once again feel the emptiness, with no Riha or Aksha around to care for him. His deepest fear was that probably Riha had left him because she had found out about Aksha.

But wait wasn't he being stupid. It was just a tatoo after all. Anyone could have it but Aksha had the same kind of hair the same skin colour. Also, he had been too afraid to go to her cremation and so he hadn't seen her dead body.
But either this way or that way, Aksha was no more.

Or was she really dead? What about Riha? Were the two cases related?

I hope you enjoyed it!!! 😊😊
Pls do like, comment and share. ❤❤

Next update is on Saturday.

The story will be continued by @soulwithdreams

The writers are...
@ZaraMehar @soulwithdreams @Healer7976 @Faithie @samiksha @vaish2620 @susi @wafzz @angels_basket @Teju

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