

Have You Seen My Childhood [Holyday#chapter4]
As I soon found out, time keeps on ticking. After the funeral I was moved into the care of my paternal grandparents home. Again there wasn't a long line of people trying to take me in. Soon my birthday came and went and along comes Christmas. I never cared for holidays because my folk didn't have the luxury of buying things we didn't need. My grandmother , whom for now on I'll refer to as 'Mom's, this is what I called her in life. For her very last Christmas alive she got me a computer. This is in the 80's. That was the best gift I had ever received. Mom was very religious and once told me that Easter was the most important Holyday. That Jesus was resurrected on Easter after sacrificing his life for our sins. Making him special in turn making Easter special. That's when I was still a child. I didn't know that I would possibly feel differently in the future.

[The Poem Holyday is the ending for this chapter]

© Cuzo45