

The Art Of Acceptance
"When we talk about change, fear creeps in. We're scared that things might never be the same again. We're scared that our loved ones might change. We're scared that it could be the last time. So, we try to hold on to them like sand, but we forget that sand always slips away.

"Change is the only constant. Just like we can't touch the sun, but we know we wouldn't be alive today if it hadn't risen yesterday. Change is a passing phase, and it's what makes us stronger, more beautiful, and more attractive.

"If we want to truly love someone, we need to love their changes and imperfections. I believe that change is good because nothing in life remains the same forever. So, let's not judge others too quickly just because they're trying to become better versions of themselves.

If their change makes you uncomfortable, give them – and yourself – a break. Remember, everyone's struggling every day, and it's just not you.
© crescentwish